How to enable and disable the TOT help

Hi guys im not overly savvy with allstar and need some help…
im wondering if there is a way to either send a dtmf command to enable / disable the ToT on allstar
a timed cron tab to do the same at certain time’s

thanks all

regards sean

I believe you are looking for COP commands 7 & 8 which can be exercised using macros using a dtmf command. See Rpt.conf - AllStarLink Wiki


In /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf

Whatever DTMF you have assigned to these (in this case 914 & 915) can be directly entered.

914=cop,7 ; Time out timer enable
915=cop,8 ; Time out timer disable

The timer itself
totime =

If you use control states
totdis - Timeout timer Enable/Disable

mike thanks

so i can simply use for example DTMF 999 which = cop7 and this will enable the tot

do i need to add any further script anywhere…?

if needed i dont mind copying and pasting my rpt.conf file for a read and see if i can set this up…


As dtmf from phone or radio *999
if that points to cop,7


Look in the file and be sure that cop7 has not yet been defined before you add the new.
If you are using winscp for editing, you can use the ‘find’ feature in the file to find cop,7

my hub node looks like this
and I think these were defaults with version 1.01 of the software.

907 = cop,7 ; Time out timer enable|
908 = cop,8 ; Time out timer disable|

Control States are one way to do this and is particularly if you want to set your node to a “net mode” for example.

For control states see Rpt.conf - AllStarLink Wiki

And for scheduling see Scheduler (ASL System) - AllStarLink Wiki

Thankyou guys i will try these…

Regards sean M0oeg