How Does ALLMON3 Connect Nodes?

I am using the brilliant new ASL3 package on my pi4. And just to make it clear it is working perfectly for me but that’s never good enough is it :slight_smile:

In the true spirit of the hobbit, I am going to play with I until I break it…

To that end I am playing with a germ of an idea to create a serial device that will connect to the pi4 via ttyUSB0 and allow me to store node numbers that I can select and connect /disconnect at the touch of a button, much like the Allmon3 Monitoring Dashboard but using that is too easy :joy:

So my first question is in relation to the Allmon3 Monitoring Dashboard and how it actually connects/disconnects nodes. Is it sending ‘*3nnnnn’ commands to asterisk on my pi4 or is it communicating directly with some central AllStar hub via the internet?

Of course :grinning:

Allmon3 communicates with your node directly via the AMI (Asterisk Management Interface) on localhost. is not involved.

Allmon3 is sending a rpt cmd ... ilink rather than a rpt fun ... (DTMF string).

See ilink commands Top of the source - AllStarLink Wiki

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Thank’s Tim, That helps in so much as it confirms I need to confine myself to resolving my challenge with local command line issues as opposed to having the option to direct them to a https://web address.

I have worked out that I can us the ilink commands from the standard ssh cmd line prompt to control my node without going into Asterisk CLI. So my challenge is a linux one not a ASL3 one.

You can actually use the allmon3 service to do this directly. Other applications can call the allmon3 API directly. For a trivial example see allmon3-cmd-client that comes with every Allmon3 installation.

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