How do you make an exact duplicate sdcard of my system

I am just learning linux and have a ASL3/Shari node running. I would like to make a duplictae of my sdcard so that if I have any problems or break something, I will be able to just change the sdcard to the backup one and be back in business. I read alot about backps but am even more confused now. My question is, is there and easy way to make an exact duplicate of my sdcard for this purpose?
Thanks for any help you might be able to offer.

Just load the sdcard up in the software you used to write it

read the card and write to file as img.

When you want it dup’d
just load the image and write to a new card.

If you need better details than that, you might include the software name used to manipulate the sdcards if you can’t find help on the web.

I was actually looking for the best software to do this with. Thanks for the info.

You could have cleared that up in your first question. To which the answer is Yes.

Best is always an opinion. I use win32 disk imager. Simple enough.
Best, or good enough to work for purpose. LOL

The simplest way is using dd to make the copy. First

more /proc/partitions to see what name your existing card has then (my procedure)

dd if=/dev/sda of = /home/georgec/asl-image

Assuming the sd card is /sda, etc

GeorgeC W2DB

Win32 Disk Imager. Create an .img file and write it too another card.

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I use Balena Etcher. Never had any issues.

Thank you so much!!! You people in this group are so helpful. I will in turn pay it forward whenever I can help. Thanks again!!!