Help adding Allstar to a Yeasu DR-2X repeater

First of all, I want to apologize for my terribly novice understanding of all portions of what I need to do, and I appreciate any help you might give.

I am the appointed repeater chairman of my club. I have two Yeasu DR-2X repeaters, separated by 20+ miles. I am being tasked with developing a way to link the two, so they simulcast all traffic, while still allowing for Echolink compatibility on our main repeater. I am wanting to integrate Allstar, then use Echolink through Allstar. Does anyone have a quick and dirty explanation on what I need to get Allstar running on my main repeater? Also, does anyone know if I use the WiresX HRI-200 boxes to link the two repeaters, will I still be able to run Allstar simultaneously? Thanks so much in advance for any guidance.

I have been blown away by Allstar believe that it would be a massive benefit to the operators in my area.

An answer can not assume anything.
Do you have internet at both repeater locations ?
Other resources that may be helpful ?

Even using ASL with DVSwitch, I am not sure how you bridge wiresx to analog.
Perhaps it can be done? I’m not up with the latest.

If both systems have access to analog repeater tx & rx audio, cor & ptt
just set a node up at each site and link them through ASL
Seems the best redundant method.

Just a generic answer from me. Other may have something better.

I don’t own a DR-2X, so I don’t have much to say about interfacing ASL with it, other than to say you’ll need to use either the usbradio CTCSS encode/decode options, or a dedicated device to handle the CTCSS, like the MABEL.
This is documentation for the DR-1X. Not sure what the differences are between that and the DR-2X.

As for WIRES x, you can’t bridge that into DVSwitch. You would need to either run it in digital mode, with a Yaesu radio and an HRI-200 transitting to an MMDVM hotspot, which can then be connected to DVSwitch Server, or run an HRI-200 analog into a URI. This is what I do on my multi-mode system. This means anyone who wants to use WIRES x must be analog-capable. Not all WIRES x repeaters are set up this way. So, if you transmit through a Yaesu repeater that doesn’t also have an analog connection and an additional sound dongle, no audio is passed in either direction.

The HRI-200 was donated, otherwise I wouldn’t bother. I’m not a fan of that system.

Directions for an analog DR-2X should be pretty much identical for the DR-1X.

If you want something plug-and-play, go with the MC RA-DR1X. You can use the usbradio module for CTCSS and such.

However, having connected many DR-1Xs in the past, I strongly suggest that you use the Masters Communications SC0-75DW as the squelch and CTCSS decoder. Put that into an RA-42 and use an external CT-30 to re-inject the audio.

Here are the links for both:

Side note, you do not need to open units. Everything done on external plugs. Pl tone works on both units. Have many in the field. Wiring is for DMK uri.