Having Audio Issues with Hamvoip and TYT-TH-9000D

I have a TYT-TH9000D with the DB-9 connection modification (purchased from Repeater Builder) and a Repeater Builder USB Rim Lite for the Alinco x35 series of radios. I am my node as a simplex node. I have been able to get it to “partially work”. I am able to key it up with an HT and the Hamvoip courtesy tone come back. I have tried to set the audio levels using SimpleUSB-tune and nothing works. I have tried to enter DTMF tones will not pass. I have verified in Hamvoip that the touch tones are not passing. I tried Parrot and that does not want to pass tones.


John N3NKV


Have you just worked between your radios first with out the rim light plugged int the alinco x35 radio to make sure the radio to radio works ok both ways.

Be sure to set duplex=1 in rpt.conf. That’s needed for simplex (half duplex) nodes.

I’m having the same issue. I sent the Rim board back and was told it is ok. I have been able to transmit on it for awhile if I boost the rxaudio to 999 in simpleusbtune. It worked for a short time and now all I get is a carrier and no audio when I transmit. I have changed cables ordered a new radio and it also will not “hear” the transmitted audio. It will transmit audio from the node I connected to and all of the id’s. I don’t think the rim-alinco plays nice with the TYT 9000D.

Can you post your simpleusb.conf

; simple usb configration added by simpleusb-config.sh
; 2023.11.08.1416



; Generic Default Settings

; 1 = Indicates that an EEPROM internal to the radio
; adapter and cable is expected.
; 0 = no warning message if no EEPROM found.

; Rx Audio Boost
; 0 = 20db attenuator inserted
; 1 = 20db attenuator removed
; Set to 1 for additonal gain if using a low-level
; receiver output.

; Options - no,usb,usbinvert
; no - no carrier detection at all
; usb - via USB radio adapter COR connection
; usbinvert - same as above but inverted polarity.

; CTCSS Decoder Source
; Options = no,usb,dsp
; no - CTCSS decoding, system will be carrier squelch
; usb - CTCSS decoding using input from USB adapter
; usbinvert - same as above but inverted polarity.

; Invert PTT 0 = ground to transmit, 1 = open to
; transmit

                    ; This is the collector lead of the 2n4401 on the 
                    ; modified usb sound fob.

; enable PL filter
; yes, enabled
; no, disabled

; enable de-emphasis (input from discriminator)
; yes, enabled
; no, disabled

; enable pre-emphasis (output to Tx)
; yes, enabled
; no, disabled

; default value is 0
; rx audio delay for squelch tail elimination.
; Squelch tail delay in 20ms frames. Values range
; from 0 (no delay) to 24 (480ms delay)
; Typical values would range from 5-10 (100-200ms)

dcsfilter = no
rxondelay = 0
queuesize = 8
tx_audio_level_method = 0

Being hamvoip, I can’t say what the correct setting might be, as well just with that rim module.

You do need to be sure your logic is correct on the RX & TX

Also, what is the duplex setting in rpt.conf for the node ?

Do you know which audio the rim is getting from the radio.

Is it discriminator audio or a line level as I doubt it is speaker audio.

the receive audio on the TYT TH-9000D is too low for the Rim board. There is a pot next to the header to turn it up. I found it was still low so installed an LM386 audio amplifier. You can buy 10 pcs on Amazon for $9.00. I install this in all the TH-9000D radios I use for repeaters. Search for "Mini LM386 Mono Power AMP module.

I’m not sure how to add this into the radio. Any instructions or videos out there on doing this?

Scott, perhaps there is one out there but I would not hold my breath for it.

From the description above by @KR8T is a ‘op-amp chip’
So it is a tiny operational amplifier that needs to be put in line of the audio and the chip must also be powered, so yo may need to find a 5V or 3,3V line in the radio to do that as well.

You might just google some of that to get a better idea of what you are doing.

And of course after this bump in the list, perhaps someone will post something better or easier for you.

But if all else fails, you can try to ‘pad down’ the ext speaker audio with a resistor. There is a 1/8 audio jack on the rear or you may be able to jump to that inside if you are trying to use a db9 on the back.

There is also a possible option to try in usbradio.conf. Try setting this
rxboost=0 to 1 then save and restart
And run though the audio setup process again.

Just some thoughts. I have many of the radio’s but I do not use them for ASL.
I was working on a method to use them as a agile remote base, but that is on pause for now.
Whenever I get to that, perhaps I will have a documented solution.