I would like to set up a new node using ASL3 using an RPi 3B + and BF888 radio with a USB
sound fob. Looking on Ebay for a CM108 sound fob, it looks like all the ones for sale are CM108AH
types so my question is does ASL3 support the CM108AH fob or is it neccessary to use only the CM108?
CMA108AH’s are not currently supported. There is an enhancement request for them to be supported but that is under review.
Thanks for the reply, I don’t suppose that is likely to happen for a while.
I have looked high and low for CM108 boards and chips but have not been able to
find any. I have made a RPi hat for the CM108B but that does not seem to work either
and that was when I found out that only the CM108 would work at the moment.
Why the heck they changed the addressing range in all the different versions is beyond me.
Any of the Masters Communications RA Series work as do DMK-URIs and a number of other “for radio” vendors who make sound adapters. There’s also a number of “Pi Hat” makers that bundle them in too like Hotspot Radios, SHARI, and a few others.
Thanks for the info Jason, I like to try to do things “in house” if possible and as a tight fisted Yorkshire man
and Amature it goes against the grain to pay a lot of money!!
I will have a look at some of the options you have mentioned.
The RA-15 boards are only $30 US. By the time you get a fob, parts for building out the fob, etc. you’re likely already up to $30. I feel the way you do about unnecessary spend, but for me it’s a lot of time and aggravation savings to purchase the ready-made part.
C-Media CM108AH ICs and fobs work fine in both ASL2 and 3. I have built 50+ nodes with that IC in the past 2 years. A number of URIs use that IC as well eg. BH7NOR R1-ASL and Digirig. It is fully backwards compatible with the CM108, and has some advantages (wider frequency response, crystal oscillator) over CM108B’s (which are also supported by ASL). If someone is aware of any limitation a CM108AH has vs. a CM119A please post your sources.
Are there variants? Because there’s this open issue:
If this isn’t necessary, it’d be good to have it closed.
I made a comment on that bug report. It seems clear to me that the adapter he mentioned does not use the CM108AH IC.
David NR9V, thanks for your comments. It looks like from what you are saying that most if not all the CM108 and possibly CM119 variants will work ok with ASL3 despite W0REW’s problem which is related to radio-less systems. How do you identify what chip the C-Media Electronics, Inc. Audio Adapter (Unitek Y-247A) uses?
Amazon UK Dolar Tek “naked fob” works fine.
John Knott 2E0KNJ
Any standard CM108/CM109 should work fine, including the CM108AH variant per NR9V’s testing. The key is that it appears as a “CM108” device by USB device string.