Fresh Install ASL3 .017 file path Nodenames not created

I’ve decided to fresh install. When I went to /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ there was not a /rpt or /nodenames subdir. I then created the path and placed a couple xxxx.gsm files that were encoded mono 8000 but they dont play. What am I missing. shouldn’t the /rpt/nodenames dir have been created from fresh burn? What am i missing?

I just burned another copy and checked the path of var/lib/asterisk/ sounds/ I did a ls and in fact there are only 2 dirs under /sounds custom and en not sure why there is not /rpt/nodenames/ dir

Thank you



That’s the wrong location. What you are looking for is /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/en/rpt/

Also, you can change the path used for nodenames to whatever you want in rpt.conf. Just make sure the directory you specify and it’s files are readable by the user asterisk.

It works! Thank you so much I’ve been working on setting the node up for 24 hrs. I just don’t do this very often so it’s a learning process over again.

73 K1IF

Yea, sorry, I was just looking at the end of your path since that is what changed in the later version (en) and while looking at mine, I use a non-standard path anyway and forgot that.
Funny I didn’t notice the full path.