Exceptionally long voice queue.... ASL3

We have been using an extension that fires off a script to “change modes” - works well in ASL2.
Extension looks like this:

; ---- Command Process extentions ------  See /usr/local/bin/command_process
exten => _x.,1,System(/usr/local/bin/command_process ${EXTEN})
exten => _x.,n,Hangup()

When the extension is called, the code moves some files and reloads the core like so:

/bin/cp /etc/asterisk/local/modes/rpt.normal /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf
/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "core reload"

I can run this command from the command line and all is good, but when I run the command from the extension, Asterisk does reload, but crashes:

[2024-07-14 09:49:26.378] NOTICE[396845]: cdr.c:4568 cdr_toggle_runtime_options: CDR simple logging enabled.
    -- Reloading module 'cel' (CEL Engine)
    -- CEL logging disabled.
    -- Reloading module 'dnsmgr' (DNS Manager)
    -- Reloading module 'dsp' (DSP)
    -- Reloading module 'enum' (ENUM Support)
    -- Reloading module 'features' (Call Features)
    -- Reloading module 'http' (Built-in HTTP Server)
    -- Reloading module 'indications' (Indication Tone Handling)
    -- Reloading module 'acl' (Named ACL system)
    -- Reloading module 'manager' (Asterisk Manager Interface)
    -- Reloading module 'plc' (PLC)
    -- Reloading module 'udptl' (UDPTL)
    -- Reloading module 'res_crypto.so' (Cryptographic Digital Signatures)
    -- Reloading module 'res_smdi.so' (Simplified Message Desk Interface (SMDI) Resource)
    -- Reloading module 'chan_dahdi.so' (DAHDI Telephony w/PRI & SS7 & MFC/R2)
    -- Reloading module 'chan_iax2.so' (Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2))
    -- Reloading module 'app_playback.so' (Sound File Playback Application)
    -- Reloading module 'app_rpt.so' (Radio Repeater/Remote Base Application)
    -- Reloading module 'chan_voter.so' (Voter Radio Channel Driver)
    -- Reloading module 'pbx_config.so' (Text Extension Configuration)
  == Setting global variable 'HOMENPA' to '616'
  == Setting global variable 'NODE1' to '29972'
  == Setting global variable 'NODE2' to '575'
        > Time to scan old dialplan and merge leftovers back into the new: 0.000015 sec
        > Time to restore hints and swap in new dialplan: 0.000006 sec
        > Time to delete the old dialplan: 0.000024 sec
        > Total time merge_contexts_delete: 0.000045 sec
        > pbx_config successfully loaded 8 contexts (enable debug for details).
    -- Reloading module 'res_rpt_http_registrations.so' (RPT HTTP Periodic Registrations)
    -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected

At the disconnect entry, we usually have

-- Re-Loading config for repeater 29972

Where the “remote UNIX connection disconnected” is the behavior not seen when running the script from the command line. After the reload,

[2024-07-14 09:49:28.277] WARNING[396117]: channel.c:1086 __ast_queue_frame: Exceptionally long voice queue length (97 voice / 97 total) queuing to voter/29972

occurs indefinitely until I restart asterisk, and there is no repeater audio…
Not sure where to go from here…

You are using the latest version of asterisk.in asl3
Are you sure you want to call it this way?

Remember, in ASL3, the “asterisk” process runs as the “asterisk” user (not “root”). Please make sure that your command can do what it needs to do with the more limited permissions.

Also, we really don’t want “asterisk” crashing. Can you please open up an issue at GitHub - AllStarLink/app_rpt: Refactoring and upgrade of AllStarLink's app_rpt, etc.

Yes, my scripts can run as sudo -u asterisk xxx. The crash appears to occur after the script does it’s job, and the hangup command completes. Super frustrating challenge.

We are using the version apt update gives us…
Yes, this is how it has been working for years on ASL2 - and if it can’t work we end up needing to change all of the commands from *89C (as *89 is taken)

Maybe this is related to the autopatch bug…

I should add that we route to the extension with the following in rpt.conf

89=autopatchup,context=command_process,noct=1,farenddisconnect=1,dialtime=7000,quiet=1; Command Processing

This technique is based on this example:


Release 3.0.4 has fixed the issue - the problem was related to the autopatch bug.

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