I think I must be missing something here.
When an Echolink station connects to my node, I see a node number in Supermon with no callsign, so decided to investigate why.
Astersk CLI -
If I type echolink dbdump, i get the full list.
If I type echolink show nodes, I see the node numbers, callsigns and IP addresses of stations connected.
If i type echolink dbget nodename and the node number seen above in the show nodes command, I get Entry not found.
If I look on https://www.echolink.org/validation/node_lookup.jsp and type in the node number I just tried to lookup with the command dbget, then I see the callsign and node number correctly.
It seems from this that the dbget command is not finding the correct info from the echolink site?
Can anyone shed some light on this?
While I can’t say where supermon gets it’s info,
if it is the ASL software, you have a setting in rpt.conf that can select callsign node# or both.
Supermon may have a setting of it’s own as well. Consult their manual.
I don’t believe he is referring to the speech output when a node connects, which is what you select in rpt.conf. I believe he is referring to the web interface portion to display the EchoLink callsign instead of node number. I am also seeing the same thing in Allmon3 on ASL3.
Here’s a node running Allmon3 v1.3.3
Correct. Referring to the text in supermon or allmon. But those aside i am also saying if you do the lookup manually in the asterisk cli it does not find the callsign. But if you query the connected nodes it shows all the information of the connected EchoLink nodes.