Been working on getting echolink on one of my nodes. I am missing something. It is not seeing the servers or something. I have followed many steps on online with still no luck. .I changed the echolink file to .conf and did the following. Any help would be appreciated.
call=WB7TJD-R ; Change this!
pwd=Superstition ; Change this!
name=Steve ; Change this to your real name!
qth=Mesa,Arizona ; Change this to your actual QTH! ; Change this!
node=821793 ; Echolink node number - Change this!
astnode=54095 ; Change this to your active Allstar node number!
; Change following setting to your parameters
lat= 33°23’31.01"N
;;; For power, height, gain and dir, use the digits 0 thru 9:
;;; DIGITS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Equation
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; POWER 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81 watts SQR(P)
;;; HEIGHT 10,20,40, 80,160,320,640,1280,2560,5120 feet LOG2(H/10)
;;; GAIN 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 dB
;;; DIR 0,45,90,135,180,225,270, 315, 360, . deg (D/45)
; power: 25W, height: 80ft, gain: 6dB, dir: 180 deg
; Message about your Echolink node. Up to 256 characters All in
; one line. Use \n for newline. Uncomment to use.
;message=This is my message\nand another line\n
; Deny-permit - Only use one, either whitelist using permit or
; blacklist using deny Echolink stations. Wildcards can be used
; Example - permit WA3DSP*,W3XYZ* would allow these calls
; by themseleves or with -L or -R suffix. Uncomment to use.
Did you also do this?
; If you are going to use this channel driver, you MUST enable it in modules.conf
; change:
; noload => ; echolink Channel Driver
; to:
; load => chan_echolink ; echolink Channel Driver
de AB0LV Lucian
Also, for some reason you may get an error message is you have “permit PINGTEST” vice "permit = “*PINGTEST”.
Ignore it and use the statement w/o the “=” sign.
Did you do the port forwarding on your modem?
KD5FMU is doing an echolink video right now.