DTMF not decoded

Been having issues with DTMF on the radio side as well as radio not keying up.
I recently rebuilt my system as software had locked up so did a fresh new install and did all the updates. I can log in via my IP phone and issue commands to link and unlink via DTMF keypad on the phone. The radio connected however dose not key up. If I do initiate a *70 the phone announces and I see the red LED indicate TX for the node radio but radio dose not key up. I am using a modified USB sound card, all the indicators check, I see HB led, I see COS light up when I key up a radio, however from radio to node DTMF is not decoded. Loaded asterisk -rddd and did not see any activity from radio side but did see from IP phone. If i go into simple USB setup i can choose the F option and the radio dose key up and I do hear the tone being broadcast???
Is there a setting somewhere I am overlooking that will allow the transmissions to go out to the radio.


How is the node configured…
as a repeater or a simplex node or a simplex repeater ?
What is the duplex= in rpt.conf for the node?

Have you put a voltmeter on the line to check for proper voltage when active/inactive ?

DTMF issues are normally (not always but mostly) an indication of improper audio levels.

If you still are trying to figure it out,
post your simpleusb/usbradio.conf for whichever channel driver you are using.

I have it setup as 1
simplex node, it is strange that when on the IP phone I enter *70 and it anounces on the phone and I see my PTT led light up but radio not keying up. I had it setup for simple USB but changed it to USBradio now to see if there is a difference… the COS seems to work as the LED lights up on a signal, if i turn off tone on radio COS dose not light up

; name=usb_510930
; devicenum=1

The tune file does not help me.
Need to see the simpleusb.conf or usbradio.conf, whichever you are using.

If the PTT is not engaging when needed,
you may either have the logic for it backwards
or it needs a buffer transistor as the fob may not be able to sink enough current for threshold value minimum. A voltmeter check might help you out here.

Hello again Mike, Yes I used a oscilloscope to check my signals and they were all there.
I then disconnected the mic from the radius radio and it seemed to fix the radio key up issue and you were correct about the usbinvert, I changed it to usb and all seems to be working again. :blush:
Now just need to get rid of some of that motorboat noise off of my TX audio, don’t get any of that on my IRLP node but on the allstar node the audio is not very good at all. It is either choppy or has noise on the RF side (radio) have snap filters on the radio connection at the radio and where it connects to the USB fob but still there. Never the less got it up and running again, thank you for your help


The most common cause for noise might be RF getting into the cabling.
And I have witnessed many varieties of that myself and some seem non-logical when you find them until you sit back and think about what is going on.
That is just a tough one you can only do in front of it.

20+ years ago, we made sure all of our equipment was shielded and used feed through caps and ferrite beads to shake off parasitic’s like RF & EMI. Nobody seems to take that route anymore because more than half the time you can get away with it. Till you don’t.