Did Update Software Break ASL3?

Hi Guy’s,

I have been away from the computer for 4 days so the first thing I did when I got in the shack was check my ASL3 node was still working and it was fine. The 2nd thing I did was check for and install any updates using the “Software Updates” tab in Web Admin Portal. As you see from the picture it was successful but even after reboot and subsequent power cycling the node it is not responding to either of my handheld radios.
I have logged into Almond3 Monitoring Dashboard and tried to connect my node to another node and it says the command was successful but again, on checking the Allstar node list it is reporting “Node is not reporting statistical data or is offline”.
What did I break? is it a case of scrap the img and start a fresh configuration?


Please restart asterisk (not a reboot) and see if that helps.

Hi Tim,

Thanks for the reply. I just came back here to update the thread. After logging into the Asterisk CLI I was presented with the attached screen shot. This prompted me to go to Node Settings / Restart Asterisk and the node came to life. I could connect via radio or via the Allmon3 dashboard. I then did a shutdown from the cmd line and power cycled the raspberry pi. Same thing again no response until I restarted Asterisk?

There are a couple of bugs in asl3-pi-appliance that may have caused your issue. These are fixed an in beta testing right now. I expect to release that here later tonight or tomorrow. In the interim, please run the following commands in this order to see if it resolves your issue:

sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt install --reinstall dahdi-dkms
sudo modprobe dahdi
sudo modprobe dahdi_transcode
sudo modprobe dahdi_dummy
sudo systemctl restart asterisk

Thanks for the response. I entered the commands as listed whilst the node was working following a restart of Asterisk. After entering the commands it continued to work until I shutdown and power cycled the raspberry pi. At which point it was not connecting with commands from the GUi or from the transceiver. I entered the last command again to restart Asterisk and it is working again. So it seems that after updating the software last night as per my original post, it is just not starting Asterisk at power up.

Great! And that last problem you’re having is a known issue that’s going to have a fix released here shortly:

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This worked for me, thank you!

I’ve run into this.

A good bandaid would be to change the ‘template files’ to ptt on active low by default.

There is no default that would work for everybody. If there was there be no need for a setting, would there?

However, the developers have been talking about building a list of shortcuts in to the asl-menu for the various hardware configurations. My take is there are so many configurations out there the list could be nearly endless.

The fix for this is out: ASL3 3.02 Release Notes