Debian gnu/linux crashed

debian gnu/linux has crashed im guessing,how do i remove it,reinstall it ??

i was logged in to all star on a node, i went to disconnect ,it wouldnt disconnect. I logged out of all star, couldnt get back in,rebooted my laptop, after that is wont load competely all i get during start up is several in red failed items,i had this unit build less then a year in use,runing on a dell E7440 laptop with an external sound card and mic controller,any help would be great,thank you

Can you expand on what you mean here? What items are failing? What’s “red” where? Screenshots or logs would be helpful.

hi,and thanks for the reply, new here,new into debian, due to a ham radio app im running,not a computer guy by any means,when debian starts to load, there is a very fast boot up showing all kinds of things most have in front of each segment, OK in green, then theres several in RED in front saying failed,im going to try to post pictures of it but some of the failed items are,failed to start modem manager,failed to start ring tools.service,failed to start the apache server,failed to start host name service,the app i run for ham radio,via internet runs on this debian system,when all of this happened, i was using the app, it froze, i tried to disconect from the app , it wouldnt disconnect, i shut down the app, it wouldnt restart, i tried to reboot the lap top which is a dell E7440,THE DEBIAN soft ware would not restart, it asked for a login and password it has never asked for that in the almost a year that i have been using it, i figured out the pass word and login via the paper work sent to me from the man that bult this system, it wouldnt do a complete login, anfter that it wouldnt except the password no matter what i put in it just wouldnt go it sat there blinking like it was waiting for me to fill it in,each time it seemed to get worse , now it has leveled out and is at a stand still,the person that built this is not willing to help me out or reboot it even agter offering to pay for his time,by the way this system is a dual operationg system it also has windows 10 which works fine,any leads or help would be great ,thank you

That screenshot is hard to read because it looks like a double-exposure or the camera moved?

However from what I can tell, it looks like your system is possibly corrupted. It might be a sign of a failing hard drive, Windows doing something accidentally to the Linux partition, or a whole host of other things. This really isn’t a problem that’s diagnosable over an Internet forum, especially if you aren’t familiar with using Linux.

I would suggest trying to reinstall the system - assuming you don’t have any data on that Linux partition you care about.

thanks for the reply,being new here it only let me post one picture the better pic got deleted,but you get the idea, another computer guy told me same thing,the builder of this has agreed to redo all of it hopefully its not a bad hard drive, but if it
were that might insure not having another problem,thank you for your time and suggestions,

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