Creating an HA cluster for AllStar repeater

Is anyone interested in turning their AllStar repeater into a (high availability) cluster? This would synchronize all data between servers, detect health problems, failover to the standby node, start necessary services automatically etc. Full GUI and Telnet interface to manage the cluster.

We’re interested in deploying our clustering software with some AllStar repeaters (must by x86 based). Fairly simple to install (if you have basic Linux skills), but I can also help you install if needed.

My allstar node is hooked into my repeater. How does your HA solution solve that if my primary node dies?

Jim, K6JWN

The cluster would be at the repeater. I think a terminology conflict confused the posting…(a node in the HA sense is one of the two servers in the cluster). I reworded the question - hopefully that answers your question. If not, please elaborate.!

Right, so if I have my node plugged into server A (because it requires a USB interface), and server A dies and fails over to server B, do I then have to plug my repeater (or radio) into server B?

I would recommend an automatic USB AB switch (like this $12 item from amazon)

If you prefer something more robust, a PC controlled USB A/B switch (like this) combined with a network to serial adapter provides a slightly more expensive but very manageable solution.