Connection issues to resolve

You will need to check your rpt.conf file for your assigned command for these as mine may be different than yours.

918=cop,11		; User linking functions enable
919=cop,12	    ; User linking functions disable

Both nodes are on same server 579050 and 579051 579050 connects one way 579051 connects both ways works fine what could be the problem.


Obviously, they are not on the same server, but on the same external public IP.

This would be a question for that owner to reveal his data if he wanted to know.
But I might suspect he already does not care.

He does not have correct port forwarding in his router to the correct NAT IP would be my guess.
But how would I know unless someone would present that data.
But the skinny is, you have no issue so I can’t help you.

Can’t really ask what someone else’s problem is when they are not seeking answers and presenting data to find out.

Hey i have no dout he cares he has put alot of hrs in this and has been a ham for along time has alot invested in this hobby we thought one one of us would put it out there and ask questions .

I presented the most likely. Don’t know any more.Can’t read minds or system/router config’s.
If he wants help, I suppose he will ask for it and present data to find the issue.
It’s the only way I know of to do it, but I’m open for suggestions.

Am looking for info i can connect to another node but i am the only node that can connect to that paritcular node ?