Connection Issue 08-01-2024

I haven’t been able to connect to nodes for over a week. I thought it was a temporary problem, but still no good. I changed nothing on my end, its been running for about 8 years with just updates. Is there a problem with the ASL DNS or something?

what is the node number in question ?

Any that I try. 2462, 2560, 49171, 536183… Any . My node is 48948, others dont connect either.

I will check registration…

…your node is not registered. Will not connect to anything on the network.

What version of the software are you using ?

Why do you say it isn’t registered? It has been registered for 8 years, Appears ok on the is registered. I use use the current Asterisk. Current as of this morning. Current version - RPi2-3 Asterisk 1.4.23-pre.hamvoip-V1.7.1-04

Yes, you are right when I looked at the portal report, but the nodelist report does not have you node in it.


And if you are not on the list I get distributed, connections will not occur.

There is a issue with the nodelist reporting w/ASL3 and I believe it is being looked at.

Actually, the portal reports you were last seen 2024-07-26 16:10

So not something on my end? Another node owner friend is having the same problem.

The only current issue is looking into some transient issues with the DNS-based lookups. Nothing to do with the nodelist file.

Is this a Pi? Is asl3-update-nodelist running properly?

Yes and yes, but it is working now. Smarter Than Me friend changed the port number in iax.conf from 4569 to 4568 and then restarted the server and that caused it to register. I then changed them back to port 4569 and restarted again and now for some reason it is working again.