Everything responded well, lots of pausing and entering to copy his setup. When I got to dialing nodes out I get connection failed. Some nodes ID themselves followed by connection failed. I have Frontier and the router does have port forwarding. I select UDP and 4569. But there is a global port range and local base port. I have tried all combinations to get it to work. Nothing comes of it. Maybe what I followed in the youtube video is not complete? I have port forwarding and trigger port options in my router. What am I missing?
I am no expert but I use the Hamvoip image as well. I find that it takes a few minutes sometime to be able to connect to other nodes. How are you trying to connect, DTMF or Supermon/allmon?
I"m not sure why you’re asking in this forum about HamVOIP. Especially if you’re talking about the ASL3 installation videos. I would suggest starting with the documented process:
Can’t really say then. Like I said I use Hamvoip and it worked right out the box. I installed ASL3 and had problems with it and it turned out to be a bad SD Card and nothing to do with the software. I used and different card and work perfectly. Sometimes it is just something like that. But, like I said before, sometimes it takes a few minutes to be able to connect when you first start the node.
The registration process is not instant.
After you register at start, that info must be populated to all other registered nodes.
Some may update before others. It is discerned locally.
You must be in the list ‘they hold’ to be ‘valid’.
Until that happens, you have no connectivity inside the network.
On a reboot or offline for a short period of time, and your IP or port have not changed, you likely see no issue.
But when it is offline for extended period, you would be dropped from the list and have to wait for it to populate again.
Generally you are only looking at minutes, but some nodes may not be updating very timely.
Actually I solved the issue. Someone mentioned SD card issues. So I had a spare. I set up the same way I did before and it worked. When I try to read my original, it spins for a while and then nothing. Who would have thought a SanDisk would go bad like that. Thanks all for the feedback.