I’m trying through all files to find why this is happening now. I can hear everyone but i get this: Connecting to Asterisk Manager 569841…Connect Failed. Check allmon.ini settings.
What caused this?
The ‘secret’ in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
and the ‘pass’ in /etc/allmon3/allmon3.ini
do not match.
Note: if you change the former you need to restart asterisk and changing the latter requires you to restart allmon3.
Note: if you are using a different web app (e.g. Allccan, Supermon, …) then you will need to check the “allmon.ini” file that it is using. Bottom line is that you have a mismatch.
now all my secret & pass are the same, still the same problem.
Im not using any ports like 4569
Actually, looking more closely at the message in the title suggests that the conflict is between the ‘secret’ in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
and Allmon3 but, instead, is with another web app you have installed.
Have you installed AllScan? or Supermon? If so, you should check the configuration files for those apps.
Yes i have been using supermon and allscan for about 6 months
Im not using any port forwarding for asl3
You should check the configuration files for those [web] apps. In this case, the message “looks” like one from AllScan. I will also add that a while back AllScan would look at the Supermon configuration files.
i reinstalled SupermonASL_fresh_install and SupermonASL_latest_Update, still the same problem
I would suggest asking for help on the Supermon mailng list if it’s a problem with that package.
I am using ALLmon3 and getting connection failed. I checked to see if all passwords matched and they do. Looks like we have same problem. I am using the ALLStarLink3 DashBoard.
Please specify which log and what the exact error is.
The crux of the issue is that /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
and /etc/allmon3/allmon3.ini
need to have the same username and password in it. That’s pretty much all there is to it.
VE6MLD sounds like he’s having problems with Supermon which isn’t an ASL3 tool.