Clearnode or Hotspot Radio

I’ve narrowed it down to the Clearnode or Hotspot Radio for my choice of standalone ASN hotspots. Based on experience and usage, what would be the best choice of these two? I’m not aware of many other options manufactured.

  • I asked on the FB group, but my submission has been setting in pre-approval status for a week.


Note that both the clear node and Hotspotradios pre-built nodes use HamVoIP, not ASL. You could install a generic ASL (or even HamVoIP) image on the Hotspotradios appliance, but if you do that on a clear node, most of the functionality you’re paying for doesn’t exist anymore, such as the mobile app.
If you don’t really care what distro you use, and just want something that works, then this might not matter to you. Just know that HamVoIP is not ASL.

I am personally using the Hotspotradios USB full duplex repeater on a Raspberry Pi 4 running ASL3 as one of my test nodes, but that isn’t a turnkey solution.

Hey good afternoon, I have two product from HostspotRadio, HSR USB and ARIUSB4, both are awesome, stables and excellent quality, and less than expensive, Im no intent make a commercial, but I will recommended 100%