Check out the ASL3 Announcement

Not sure everyone here views the Announcements Category so…

Here’s a link to the ASL3 announcement.

This has been a huge undertaking for the ASL Team. They have not only brought AllStar up to current Asterisk release, current Debian OS, but also put a very nice polish in the Raspberry Pi version. It looks like this.

For folks that run intel systems, ASL installs with apt update and apt upgrade. It doesn’t have all the bells and whistles the Pi does but many AllStar builders don’t need the frill or add their own.

And I have to add that our work is open for all to see and use according to the spirt and letter of open source.

So enjoy. Let us know what you think.


Great to see everything being brought up-to-date with the latest Debian, Asterisk, etc. Looking forward to try it out.

One concern is that it appears all ASL2.0 bugs on github were today closed as ‘resolved’, yet they were not actually fixed, and then the repo was archived which seems to make it not possible to even see those issue reports any longer. Will those (app_rpt) bugs need to be reopened in the ASL3 repo?

Yeah, we know. That was unexpected. It looks like maybe we can see those if we unarchive. I’m sure you can understand why we didn’t want to chase what might now be old bugs.

We have been watching the ASL2 issues and have addressed many of them in ASL3. So give it a try and if you find a bug and don’t mind posting a new issue we’d appreciate it.

Can existing .conf files be used or are there new parameters in 3.0?

Migration is a concern

This release is fantastic in every aspect! This is a must-have upgrade for any AllStar node.

I’ve been running the beta on a 5 node PC install with several RTCM voters and also on a couple of hotspot versions on Pi’s and it is rock solid.

As part of archiving the legacy code bases, GitHub recommends to close all outstanding issues which was done. To avoid confusion, I also hid that tab from the UI. However, for ASL-Asterisk, I’ve re-exposed the Issues here - Issues · AllStarLink/ASL-Asterisk · GitHub. You should be able to see an issue you may have been concerned about. However, as Tim said, if you encounter an issue, a new issue should be raised with app_rpt (for Asterisk-related issues) or ASL3 for just about anything else.

The full suite of active GitHub repositories for AllStarLink v3 are:

You’ll want to do it from scratch due to the changes in .conf file templating. See the explanation in the new online manual at AllStarLink Manual

I had a very large rpt.conf file for 5 nodes (voters & hubs) that was relatively easy to move to the new version. Now it is extremely easy to manage since so much of it no longer has to be repeated in the file.

I read the docs but didn’t see anything about migrating to the new version. Crap, my node network is very complex…

At least I can build it in a new Proxmox VM…

Can you be more specific about what is complex about your configuration? We may be able to provide some recommendations on an efficient mirgration.

I run 2 nodes on the same server, one private and one public. 20 different entries for the private nodes in my system and also have several iax and extensions entries for multiple users of DVSwitch as well.

And that’s just my hub. I still have other remote sites to upgrade as well.

Most of that should be easily copied-and-pasted into the new configuration.


Two concerns. First, why couldn’t we use, for instance, Baline Etcher to image the SD card for a Pi? I tried the Raspberry Pi Imager, and it doesn’t read past the introductory screen with VoiceOver. That’s going to be a show stopper for me.

Second, I assume if one wanted to build from source, one would just clone the git repository? No, I’ll forego building from source, probably.

In any case, I’m glad to see this new version. I know it’s been something people have wanted for a long time, and I know it was a very complex undertaking.

But be sure to understand the new Asterisk templets system. It will save you a TON of work in multi-node system.

Because only the Raspberry Pi imager lets you create a hostname which you will merely point your browser at (ie myRpi5.local) without needing to know the IP address.

Also, and more importantly, only the Pi imager lets you create a login user. Without doing that you WILL NOT be able to login to you Pi.

We do provide all of our source at AllStarLink, Inc · GitHub including instructions to compile from source should you become interested.

Howdy Tim,

OK. The first thing I can absolutely get around without an issue. The second thing…yeah…definitely more of a problem. OK. Fortunately i don’t have to use the Mac. I’ll try the imager on a currently running Pi instead. Otherwise, I guess I might end up building from source after all. Which, hopefully, I can avoid.

Vy 73, de KB5ELV

No Windows? There is a Windows version of the imager, too.

Balena Etecher cannot set the required pre-imaging essential to the modern Raspberry Pi. You must use the Raspberry Pi imager. RPI Imager is supported on Windows, MacOS, and a number of Linux flavors.

Is VoiceOver a screen-reader?

Great News! Looking forward to giving it a try. Does this version solve the issue with multiple RF nodes on a single Raspberry Pi 4?



Howdy Kyle,

Yes, it does support multiple RF nodes. I have run USB + RTCM on a Pi3. I suspect it will do two simpleusb nodes w/o issue. Let us know how it works for you.