Change node to new call sign

My new vanity call sign came through last week. I successfully changed my call sign on But my node keeps announcing my old call sign. How to I change the software on my node so that it announces the new call sign. The following page gives instructions, but it appears to be an old version of the software. Change call sign - AllStarLink Wiki Typing sudo asl-menu into the bash shell return command not found

Your callsign is announced by the node itself based in your settings.

I am assuming you are talking about voice and your required id at interval…
which is set at
**idrecording =**rpt/nodenames/29999
and don’t forget the talkover id (normally cw)
idtalkover = |kb8jnm

In rpt.conf under the stanza of the node# in question.

Otherwise, you will have to find the place that is calling it. ie tailmessage etc.
But that is all the menu would have done for you.