Change Node Number Due to NNX

I am running several Allstar servers on Raspberry Pi’s. I have extended one of my original node numbers with NNX. What is the best way to change my install to add the 0 to my original server node number without a complete reburn of the SD card? The node number with the 1 added will be a new install and will be no problem to set up. Are there certain .conf or other files I need to change the number in?

Thanks and 73

Have you looked at the wiki on the issue ?

Off the top of my head, you need to edit the following files at least:

rpt.conf (the actual node stanza, plus the entry in the [nodes] stanza).

extensions.conf - change the node number wherever you see it.

iax.conf - change the register line for the node.

You may need to make additional changes, if you’re using certain other features, but the above should cover the most common cases. And as the previous respondent suggested, take a look at the Wiki.