cat 200b controller

HI All,

Anyone out there has done an interface between the cat 200b controller and DMK URI.




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I have used cat1000 and app_rpt with PP interface.
It's all basically the same.

Using the remote base interface,
Invert the logic
TXaudio - RXaudio
RXaudio - TXaudio

Inverting the logic on the cos/ptt may require a transistor to make a double
inversion. 2n2222 /3904/3906

I can't remember what I used. Just that one problem you will see is getting the
proper signal from lines that FLOAT when active or inactive. Hence the transistor.



HI All,

Anyone out there has done an interface between the cat 200b controller and



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Did you get it to work without a transistor? If you had to use one, how did you hook it up?

Im trying to do the same thing

A PTT line does not make a good COS line for the interface to a sound fob or vv.

PTT line on the controller is no voltage / float when inactive and switches to ground, still 0v when active.
This is why you need a transistor to invert that signal to a positive voltage the sound fob can work with.

Any chance of a diagram of how i would wire the transistor up?