Can't SSH into my Node with ASL3

I’m trying to SSH into my node using Putty or WinScp and it times out and doesn’t connect. I know my nodes IP address and I’m using port 222. Am I missing something here ? I’m able to get in with my other nodes running HamVoip using port 222. I’m running a Rpi4 with a HSR USB dongle. Thanks for the help, I’ll really appreciate it. Joe - WA4ONV

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Are you running ASL3? With the Raspberry Pi appliance? or an x86_64/amd64 system? If so, you should know that the ASL3 configuration is setup to use the default SSH port (22).

You should also know that if you change the SSH server settings to listen on an alternate port then you will also need to update the firewall settings.

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I use 222 instead of 22 on ALLSTAR ver3


FYI : Managing the Firewall - AllStarLink Manual

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Hello from W1FJF
If using Raspberry Pi imager.
In edit settings
Check box Enable SSH
Use password authentication

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Thank you Fred, I really don’t remember If I did that. I guess I’ll just have to burn a new card and take it from there. 73 de WA4ONV

Let me know, im sure that’s what it is.
Once the settings are set to enable ssh, it will alway stay there unless you uncheck it when using the Raspberry pi imager again.
Good luck.

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Try port 22 as hamvoip uses 222, asl uses 22. You can change this once logged in, if desired.

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Hey Fred, went ahead and burned a new card with those settings enabled and that did the trick. Also, had to change the port from 222 to 22. Thank you for your help and suggestion. 73, Joe - WA4ONV.

Changing the port from 222 to port 22 enabled me to SSH into my node, Thank you, 73, Joe - WA4ONV.

Use of port 222 is a HamVOIP-ism that is based on obsolete security guidance of changing default port. However modern “attack scanning” finds port 222 as SSH just as easy as port 22. Thus there’s no security value in changing the port.

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