Cant login to web admin or via SSH

Hello, I just installed the latest raspberry pi version on a pi3 following the howto and adding hostname and user/password ( I used asl/asl ).

After it reboots I am able to see the web interface either via the IP or the hostname I setup just fine but when I try to log in to the we admin area using asl / asl I get Wrong user name or password. Same with SSH

➜  ~ ssh asl@
asl@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.

Any ideas of what to try? Tried 3 times now with different usernames/passwords the hostname is setup correctly and it connects to WIFI so I know its using the custom config it just isnt setting up the user for some reason?

Try making the password be something that’s at least six characters long. That’s just a guess on my part… we haven’t seen this problem before. If that doesn’t work, use ssh -vvv as part of your connect to see if there’s some sort of odd error with your ssh client.

Thx reflashing now with longer password.

Same issue unfortunatly

Discourse would not let me post the output from ssh, contained more than 2 links apparently, so here it is as a gist

I just burned a test image using a username and password of asl/asl and it worked just fine. Are you using Pi Imager 1.8.5?

1.8.5 yea. Im using a Pi3 would that make a difference? I select that model before it gets to the select image setting

A Pi 3B is, in fact, what I just tested on. Shouldn’t make any difference. Make sure you don’t have public-key only configured in the imager:

Trying now… hopefully that works

Ok that didnt work either.

I guess I’ll do the debian 12 install method instead. Unless you have any other ideas to debug this?

My windows craptop does not have anyway to connect an SD card so I can only use rpi imager on macos.

I’m not sure what to tell you. While not personally a Mac user, a number of the other developers are and they haven’t had any problems like what you’re describing. You can install a stock raspberry Pi image (although that’s exactly what the PI appliance is with some incredibly trivial customization), install the repository .deb file, and then install asl3-pi-appliance asl3 asl3-menu and asl3-update-nodelist and get something that’s fairly close to the appliance.

So after some digging other people have found the same issue, it seems that when the imager creates the hashed password in the hash does not match the password. I found solutions on stack exchange as well as pi-hole github.

Running this command creates the correct hash echo 'asl' | openssl passwd -6 -stdin

➜  ~ echo 'asl' | openssl passwd -6 -stdin

Then I just replace the hash in in the two places it occurs, boot for first time and im able to log in!

I dont know whether its a macos issue, python version issue or just something random.
One thing I did confirm is that even the default pi install had the same issue, so the issue is the imager, not with asl3.

Hopefully this will help the next person who stumbles on this bug.

Interesting. Glad you found a workaround.

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