Cannot connect to ASL3 hub on my local area network

I setup an ASL3 hub and Allmon3 on a laptop on my local area network. I can connect the ASL3 hub to nodes outside of my local area network. However, when I try to connect my Shari PiHat-4U to the ASL3 hub, both on my local area network, the Shari PiHat-4U fails to connect the the ASL3 hub. Is there a way to configure the ASL3 hub or my network so that the ASL3 hub will be able to connect to nodes inside my local area network and nodes outside of my local area network. I’m confident that I could setup the ASL3 hub on a cloud Debian computer outside of my local area network, and it would connect to all nodes outside of the Debian cloud network. But I would prefer to run the ASL3 hub on a physical computer on my local area network.

You need to define a route for each node on your LAN.
In /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf, in ASL3’s default templates, this has been moved to the top.
Look for the line starting with [nodes]
and edit like so.
Let’s say the ASL3 radio-less node is called node 1000, and it’s IP address is, with it’s default IAX port of 4569, and your SHARI is node 1001, with IP address, and IAX port 4568. Ports are different here such that each device can be addressed separately from the outside world.
On the radio-less ASL3 node, you’d have a line that looks like this in /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf.

… existing stuff in the file
1001 =>,NONE

Then on your SHARI,
… existing stuff in the file
1000 =>,NONE
Now, when you dial 1000 from your SHARI, it should connect, and vice versa.
Obviously, replace 1000 and 1001 with your real public node numbers.
Breaking this down
1000 => the node number to be used locally to make the call., the IP address and IAX port of the destination node.
/1000, the extension of the destination node. Note that the source and destinations can actually be different, but I won’t go into this here.
NONE… I’ve honestly forgotten why this is necessary, but it should be at the end

In order for this to work, it is important that all nodes have static IP addresses on your LAN.

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Also check the firewall settings in ASL3. Most ports are closed and you may need to open them to allow access. I had to do this to get Node Remote working on my lan

We’re having sporadic DNS issues. On your ASL3 servers try apt install asl3-update-nodelist and set /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf to node_lookup_method = file