I have a problem where I helped set up a friend with Allstar for his repeater. Unfortunately the it is identifiing as the callsign with an R on it. I checked the rpt.conf, and it only shows the callsign in there with a /L. Where can i try to find the file with the incorrect callsign being read out?
You did not mention where you were hearing this.
As a ID on the repeater - rpt.conf - idrecording = |iKB8JNM /R
idtalkover = |iKB8JNM /R
In asl3 don’t forget that you ‘might have’ it mistakenly in there twice.
Once in the ‘template file’ and once in the node description.
If so, of course there should only be one and you have to decide which place makes sense to use it. But it’s a possibility you will have to hunt for.
As a on connect message for iaxrpt/phone/etc - extensions.conf in the stanza of the connection
But I would add that you do need to restart the software after saving from a change. It is
not changed on the fly just in the case you have forgot that.
The id on the repeater works fine using CW, as WA2EPI, but the voice ID is still coming up as WA2EPIR
Here is the code in the rpt.conf file:
; ID recording files must have extension gsm,ulaw,pcm,
; or wav. No file extension is used.
; All ID recording files should be sampled at 8KH
; Main ID voice
idrecording=|iDE WA2EPI
; Main ID CW
;idtalkover=|iDE WA2EPI
; ID when signal present
We have this set to use the CW and it is working fine. Its bugging us as I have checked the information in the Allstarlink.org site settings and on this file and they are correct.
I’m not really sure what to do to regenerate or recreate the idrecording file, or where to change the ID for that recording.
Greg Mohr
cd /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/en
cat letters/w.ulaw > /etc/asterisk/local/node-id.ulaw; cat letters/a.ulaw >> /etc/asterisk/local/node-id.ulaw; cat digits/5.ulaw >> /etc/asterisk/local/node-id.ulaw;
continue for the rest of the call sign.
I wish I could find tht directory, but it does not exist on the system, I can get to /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/ all that is located in there are filename.gsm files. I already tried the cat of the gsm file w.gsm…so forth but when it was played back from the local dir, it had no audio.
We are running RPi2-3-4 v 1.7-06 Allstar Nov 29, 2023
Asterisk 1.4.23-pre.hamvoip-V1.7.1-04 app_rpt-0.327-01/22/2022
Linux v 5.4.75-1-ARCH
Upgrade to ASL3. Or if you are stuck with hamvoip, do a find and look for file a.ulaw. It’s probably there somewhere. Or this Additional Asterisk Sound Files
Sounds like you are using HamVoIP, not ASL.
HamVoIP, as part of it’s first time setup script, can optionally create a GSM audio file with the call you specified. It does that by simply concatenating a bunch of .gsm files together. Unlike ASL, all of HamVoIP’s audio files are .gsm.
That’s what /etc/asterisk/local/node-id refers to. The full path of the file is /etc/asterisk/local/node-id.gsm. When specifying audio files in app_rpt, or Asterisk in general, the extension is not included.
You could concatenate all the appropriate GSM files yourself, or, if you want something more interesting than an Allison Smith generated audio file with lots of compression artifacts in it, you can create a new file in an audio editor, such as Audacity or GoldWave, SoX, etc. save it as raw PCM, 16-bit, 8 kHz, signed, Little-endian, mono, and give it a .sln extension, then reference that filename minus the extension in your /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf.
If you want to concatenate a bunch of files together the way HamVoIP does it, an example would look like this.
To avoid typing a bunch of long paths, first,
cd /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
cat ./letters/n.gsm ./digits/2.gsm ./letters/d.gsm ./letters/y.gsm ./letters/i.gsm > /etc/asterisk/local/node-id.gsm
This would produce a gsm file in /etc/asterisk/local/node-id.gsm that speakk “N2DYI”.