Block user connecting

hello all im trying to work out how to block echolink user’s connecting to my node how is this done please…?


Sean m0oeg

So, the wiki does not show this.

But if you look in the echolink.conf file, you should see these lines…


(here they are commented out with the “;” , so, remove the comment in your file)

Come back and let me know if this works as intended and I will have it added it to the wiki.

hi mike

i did have a test callsign in the deny= in echolink .conf file and it does not seem to work.
however i did have a space after = i have now put the call straight after the =
see how that goes…

cheers sean m0oeg

yes i can confirm that does not work mike…

Did you restart your software to use the new settings.

systemctl restart asterisk
from a CLI> reload will reload the dialplan without restarting asterisk.

i have now mike i hadn’t done after i took the space out between =xxxxx

reload does not reload echolink.
you need to use “echolink reload” to reload echolink.

reload from the CLI without any specifiers, reloads the entire configuration without restarting or hanging up a call. Unless you have fat fingered something that is.

Which is anything with a .conf file
Works like LOAD. Load requires a specifier.

If you want to reload only one module of it, then it can be specified after reload. Which limits it’s behavior.

It’s a asterisk thing.

So i need to go to cli
And simply type echolink reload…?

from a CLI>


would do the job, unless you feel the need to restart asterisk or even reboot.

After a quick test, reload echolink does not work with ASL ver Perhaps it does with hamvoip?

Just use reload.