Automatic disconnect prior to new connection

Is it possible to force my AllStar node to disconnect all current links before initiating a new link. I unfortunately learned how to bridge two networks unintentionally. Thanks

You will need to check your rpt.conf file for the commands as mine may be different than yours
And if you do not hve them, insert them into your file where they make sense and be sure there is no conflict with existing commands.

; iLink Commands by ilink number

; 1 - Disconnect specified link
; 2 - Connect specified link – monitor only
; 3 - Connect specified link – tranceive
; 4 - Enter command mode on specified link
; 5 - System status
; 6 - Disconnect all links
; 7 - Last Node to Key Up
; 8 - Connect specified link – local monitor only
; 9 - Send Text Message (9,<destnodeno or 0 (for all)>,Message Text, etc.
; 10 - Disconnect all RANGER links (except permalinks)
; 11 - Disconnect a previously permanently connected link
; 12 - Permanently connect specified link – monitor only
; 13 - Permanently connect specified link – tranceive
; 15 - Full system status (all nodes)
; 16 - Reconnect links disconnected with “disconnect all links”
; 17 - MDC test (for diag purposes)
; 18 - Permanently Connect specified link – local monitor only

; as assigned dtmf in rpt.conf

806 = ilink,6 ; Disconnect all links
807 = ilink,7 ; Last Node to Key Up
808 = ilink,8 ; Connect specified link – local monitor only
809 = ilink,9,29999,“Testing” ; would send a text message to node 29999 replace 29999 with 0 for all connected nodes

810 = ilink,10 ; Disconnect all RANGER links (except permalinks)
811 = ilink,11 ; Disconnect a previously permanently connected link
812 = ilink,12 ; Permanently connect specified link – monitor only
813 = ilink,13 ; Permanently connect specified link – tranceive
815 = ilink,15 ; Full system status (all nodes)
816 = ilink,16 ; Reconnect links disconnected with “disconnect all links”
817 = ilink,17 ; MDC test (for diag purposes)
818 = ilink 18 ; Permanently Connect specified link – local monitor only

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I would suggest using macros. Mine all begin with a *76 to disconnect before *3xxxxx connect command. I use the footer of Allmon page to see my macro list. Alternatively you can DTMF *70 to check connection status or just do a *76 if there is any doubt. These commands work from a radio or software/phone app interface as well. If you interface with a computer Allscan is great to store favs list and has check box to disconnect all be fore connect set as default.

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