I just switched over from Hamvoip to ASL3. In Hamvoip, sending *73(node#) would create a permanent connection. In Hamvoip’s rpt.conf, 73 = ilink,13. In ASL3, the function "13 - Permanently Connect specified link – transceive " is commented out. If I uncomment it and restart asterisk, send *13(node#), it does not work. I even tried it from a command line (asterisk -rx “rpt fun (mynode#) *13 (remote node #)” and nothing happens. Is this particular ilink (ilink,13) turned off somewhere?
I think you want to uncomment :
; 813 = ilink,13 ; Permanently connect specified link -- transceive
and then use *813(node#)
That worked. For some reason, to use those functions that use ilinks greater than 1 digit, you have to use a 3 digit code (ie. 813). I was trying to use a two digit code (13) and it wouldn’t pass it. It’s weird because code 1 works for ilink,1, 2 works for ilink,2, etc.
Just to be thorough, the DTMF matching is a “shortest pattern wins” situation. If you defined 1 and then 12, even entering “12” would only ever trigger the DTMF command “1”. If you note in the ASL default configuration, the single common commands are 1-5 and the special 99 code.
That leaves DTMF commands 6-8 available for custom use.
You could easily mimic the behavior of HamVOIP by copying over the 7n configuration lines and it would work “just fine”. There’s nothing special about 73 vs. 813. It’s just default conventions being different.
That explains a lot ! Thank you.