ASL3 /tmp files

I’m seeing a growing set of files in /tmp. They look like tmp.K77McwaNFF.orig .
What are they?
Tom / K5TRA

Can you check the version #'s of the “asl3-update-nodelist” package installed on your device. You can do this using the command :

sudo asl-show-version

If you have a version prior to “1.4.0-1.deb12” then an update should take care of the growth. You can update/upgrade using Cockpit’s “Software updates” or via the command line.

********** AllStarLink [ASL] Version Info **********

OS : Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
OS Kernel : 6.6.31+rpt-rpi-v8

Asterisk : 20.8.1+asl3-3.0.0-1.deb12
ASL [app_rpt] : 3.0.0

Installed ASL packages :

Package Version
==================== ==============================
allmon3 1.2.1-2
asl3 3.1.1-1.deb
asl3-asterisk 2:20.8.1+asl3-3.0.0-1.deb12
asl3-asterisk-config 2:20.8.1+asl3-3.0.0-1.deb12
asl3-asterisk-module 2:20.8.1+asl3-3.0.0-1.deb12
asl3-menu 1.6-1.deb12
asl3-pi-appliance 1.7.2-1.deb12
asl3-update-nodelist 1.4.0-1.deb12
dahdi 1:3.1.0-2
dahdi-dkms 1:3.3.0-5+asl
dahdi-linux 1:3.3.0-5+asl

It looks like you have the latest version of the “asl3-update-nodelist” package.

Were the “tmp.XXX.orig” files in /tmp created recently (ls -lt /tmp/ | head -20) ?

Do you know when you last updated the software packages on our system? Were the /tmp files created before or after the update(s)?

Also, to possibly answer your question, when I see .orig and .rej files in a directory they often are created by the “patch” command.

I’ve only seen *.orig files. *

Are you still seeing an accumulation of .orig files in /tmp ?

Have you looked at any of the files? If so, what does the content look like ?

Lastly, have you installed any other packages (e.g. Supermon, SkyWarnPlus) ?

We are seeing this tmp file accumulation as well.
all .orig files generated every few minutes (or so).

-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 479042 Jul 16 14:14 tmp.cDgCO1HtRa.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 479034 Jul 16 14:13 tmp.3EQVDkdUW5.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 479134 Jul 16 14:12 tmp.q28DuoLAem.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 479083 Jul 16 14:11 tmp.p9cO1CLxjR.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 479083 Jul 16 14:10 tmp.VHln21ZxA7.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 479252 Jul 16 14:08 tmp.zBRbYG1E5Z.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 479291 Jul 16 14:07 tmp.TII7Rp0u3G.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 479295 Jul 16 14:06 tmp.1bK9PB6eDM.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 479236 Jul 16 14:05 tmp.6wjpNpe0Qu.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 479497 Jul 16 14:04 tmp.BeATq97bSW.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 479497 Jul 16 14:03 tmp.rVVxW3me5P.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 479183 Jul 16 14:00 tmp.qFHC3pqcxJ.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 479084 Jul 16 13:59 tmp.cju99WGEkc.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 479141 Jul 16 13:58 tmp.O5gyEg0HE4.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 479094 Jul 16 13:54 tmp.AfDCfTiYxB.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 478976 Jul 16 13:53 tmp.OTMqzNUfQV.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 478608 Jul 16 13:48 tmp.oxZuQFTrXm.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 478451 Jul 16 13:47 tmp.MJjYHcUOr0.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 478537 Jul 16 13:43 tmp.cGKvul8A4o.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 478582 Jul 16 13:42 tmp.GRw4mdWxmp.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 478698 Jul 16 13:41 tmp.QrEQytzPz3.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 478584 Jul 16 13:40 tmp.mctFyInw2D.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 478474 Jul 16 13:39 tmp.7WzDYk6Px2.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 478543 Jul 16 13:38 tmp.CqSmZ8zf9r.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 478543 Jul 16 13:37 tmp.qzLVsW3xLh.orig
-rw-------  1 asterisk asterisk 478973 Jul 16 13:34 tmp.rNXQ8bVVFB.orig

Running versions:

********** AllStarLink [ASL] Version Info **********

OS            : Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
OS Kernel     : 6.1.0-22-amd64

Asterisk      : 20.8.1+asl3-3.0.2-1.deb12
ASL [app_rpt] : 3.0.1

Installed ASL packages :

  Package               Version
  ====================  ==============================
  allmon3               1.2.1-2
  asl3                  3.2.0-1.deb
  asl3-asterisk         2:20.8.1+asl3-3.0.2-1.deb12
  asl3-asterisk-config  2:20.8.1+asl3-3.0.2-1.deb12
  asl3-asterisk-module  2:20.8.1+asl3-3.0.2-1.deb12
  asl3-menu             1.6-1.deb12
  asl3-update-nodelist  1.4.0-1.deb12
  dahdi                 1:3.1.0-2
  dahdi-dkms            1:3.3.0-5+asl
  dahdi-linux           1:3.3.0-5+asl

I think our problem is failing patches: (Not sure why they fail… but they do)

Jul 16 14:43:01 Moline systemd[1]: Starting asl3-update-nodelist.service - Update ASL3 on-disk nodelist db...
Jul 16 14:43:01 Moline asl3-update-nodelist[821680]: downloading ""
Jul 16 14:43:01 Moline asl3-update-nodelist[821680]: applying patch
Jul 16 14:43:01 Moline asl3-update-nodelist[821692]: 1 out of 15 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file 1
Jul 16 14:43:01 Moline asl3-update-nodelist[821692]: patch: **** Can't create file 1 : Permission denied
Jul 16 14:43:01 Moline asl3-update-nodelist[821680]: downloading ""
Jul 16 14:43:01 Moline asl3-update-nodelist[821680]: rpt_extnodes updated
Jul 16 14:43:01 Moline systemd[1]: asl3-update-nodelist.service: Deactivated successfully.
Jul 16 14:43:01 Moline systemd[1]: Finished asl3-update-nodelist.service - Update ASL3 on-disk nodelist db.

Probably need to add
to the patch routine:

patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -t -s -r 1 ${NEW_FILE} ${EXTNODESTMP}

Thank you for creating the GitHub issue AND the pull request :slight_smile:

Your fix has been incorporated into :


The package is currently available for “beta” testing. If you are willing to do some light testing of this package (and any others) you can exec the following commands as root (i.e. sudo -s). Please exec each command ONE AT A TIME (do not copy-paste the whole command set in) :

asl-repo-switch -l beta
apt update
apt upgrade -y
asl-repo-switch -l main

You guys have done a great job tackling a massive task - Glad to help minimize the effort on the “easy” stuff.