ASL3 Port 80. How to change port Nr

Hi Team, I have searched the topics however, cannot find where to change current Port 80 to another number. I was hoping to use say 81 or similar for Allmon, Supermon or Allscan as Port 80 is used for another device and currently port forwarded in my Router.
This is easily done in Hamvoip….etc/httpd/conf/http.conf
Any help greatly appreciated.
Best 73 Mike

It’s easily done in Debian/ASL3 as well. The file is in /etc/apache2/ports.conf.

However you don’t need to change the port on the system to forward it in from your firewall. Just port forward in port 81 to your ASL3 system’s port 80. They don’t have to be the same number unless you have a very limited router/firewall device that can’t handle something that trivial.

you do not need to do that. Jut go into your router and under your port forward for port 80 to your node IP just change the external port to 81 then then local port remains at 80 to the node. this will allow it to become what ever port you want.
81 <External port
80 <Internal Port

then your line to call it would be

Many thanks for the replies. Router port forwarding as per suggestions has the issue sorted. 73 Mike

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I disagree,
My ISP blocks port 80. I edited ports.cont and changed it to 8089. Works greats. Plus, I have more then one web server running on my LAN network.

HTTP Services on my LAN network:
Web Radio Control

it blocks port 80 INBOUND not on your local network side. so you ca run external 83 to internal 80 on that LAN address and it will go thru.