I just installed Debian 12.6 net install, then ASL3. The installation appeared to go fine. Now, how do I configure and use ASL3 running on Debian 12.6 on an old HP pavilion laptop computer? I successfully configured my Shari PiHat-4U with ASL3. I assume that the configuration is different on the Debian laptop computer. I would like to set up the old HP Pavillion laptop computer as a radio less AllStarLink node. Is there a webpage or YouTube video with user guide instructions, similar to the ASL3 user guide for Raspberry Pi installations, but for ASL3 on a Debian 12 laptop computer?
You will still need to do certain things like configure Allmon3 by hand.
If you want to turn your configuration you described into the full appliance, you can try installing asl3-pi-appliance which will “Take over” your system. I haven’t rigorously tested it against a non-Pi installation but it should mostly work if not completely work - but YMMV. I non-PI “image” is in the works, but it’s not ready yet.
If you don’t want to take the risk of that, but still want all the web experience, you can install:
Would the Appliance mode allow the laptop alone to act like an radioless AllStarLink node? It seems that it should be possible to use just the laptop without additional hardware, since the laptop has a microphone, speaker, and the Space Bar key, or some other key could be used as a PTT key.
I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking here. You aren’t going to install the “appliance” on a laptop. The appliance is currently for a Raspberry Pi device. If you have a Linux laptop and you want to make a radio-less node, you’d just nee the asl3 installation and configure it as radioless.
What are the chances of getting the ASL ALSA or some other Linux audio driver supported in ASL3? With the abundance of mini PCs and old laptops now available it would be great for small portable nodes to be able to use existing sound I/Os and not need a URI. PTT could be from a keyboard eg. space bar, or a COM port line (eg. DSR/CTS/DCD).
I installed Debian 12 on an old HP Pavilion Laptop computer. I ran both scripts for an Appliance and the alternative web experience script. I’m able to run the AllStarLink web landing page now, but I cannot get past the “ASL Telemetry Package” failing to start. When I try clicking on “Start Service”, the ASL3 Telemetry Package still fails to start. Any ideas on what might be causing the ASL3 Telemetry Package failing to start?
You don’t NEED "“ASL Telemetry Package” to be working. In general, that service failing is because your node isn’t configured to talk to AllStarLink.