ASL3 on a Dell Wyse 3040

I have an interesting issue.

I have a cloud drive and several nodes that has no issues with editing and saving files using WinSCP. I know I can go to terminal mode and edit with a Sudo command, but I prefer the notepad version.

Some of the files when I try to access them are access denied while others I get an error of this:


what could cause this and what is the best way to fix it so I don’t get this type of error?

thank you & 73

Rob - K6IRK

Are you logging in as a root user ?
Does not sound like you have privileges to write because of ownership.

I should be. If not, what do I do to update it?

I have not had any issues on any of my other nodes, so just a little lost.

Thank you

You must do this starting at a command line.
don’t forget to sudo nano because the file is owned by root.
You first need to enable permitrootlogin in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Say yes and uncomment the line.

save, exit, systemctl restart ssh

login with root and root password, have root access and privilege.

One word of caution.
When you create new file or move them over, they will be owned by root.
You must chown asterisk:asterisk to the files if you need asterisk to have access to them.
(like scripts or backed up files you moved with the winscp.)

Just keep that in the back of your head because it is likely to cause you discomfort in the future when you forget…

It is all function of linux if you need additional help on the matter, it’s all over the web.

don’t use notepad to edit files.
Use winscp’s built-in editor.

For more information about ASL3 “permissions” I will direct you to ASL3 Manual : Permissions

Thank you, found my mistake in not adding the permitrootlogin.

I do use WinSCP built in editor, it just reminds me of notepad :slight_smile:

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