ASL3 no usb device

ASL3 on a Pi3B. It was working. Then it lost the USB device ( no blinking LED ). I tried editing usbradio.conf to devstr =, then rebooted. As per the manual, it should find devstr automatically, it did not. I then ran the new asl-find-sound, and it DID find the device. I entered the device into usbradio.conf, rebooted, and it still will not communicate with the DMK. PS: I seem to lose the usb device when I setup a root login from the local terminal. I try to edit the usbradio file in WinSCP, but it will not allow me to overwrite the file unless I am root user.

I’ve run into similar issues editing files with the sudo command. However, making changes as root has “fixed” the issues. Hence, whenever I log into my node running ASL3 the first thing I do is “su -”.

You’re not alone.

There is 2 thing you need to do to edit files as root in Winscp.

First thing you need to have your user that have sudo right be in the /etc/sudoer file with the nopasswd option enabled like this:
so whenconnected as your sudo enabled user with putty or any ssh client you do sudo nano /etc/sudoers


This will make your user never to be requested to enter a password while using a command with sudo.

Then in winscp you need to go into the advance setting of the connection sellect the scp mode and sftp, then in advance setting go into the shell option and select sudo su - in the drop down menu.

that way you will be editing all files as root while using Winscp . This aint for the faint of heart as there is no going back if you goof. Just back up files before doing anything :wink:

Pierre VE2PF

There is a known bug you must restart asterisk after reboot for DMK to work.

Thanks, very helpful. Learn somethin’ new every day!