ASL3 Kits4Hams Shari PiHat-4U Frequency Configuration

I was using HamVOIP with my Shari PiHat-4U, and it was working properly. I’m trying ASL3, and it’s not clear which radio interface to select. I tried “SimpleUSB” and “”USBRadio”. I don’t know what the default frequency that ASL3 uses for the Shari PiHat-4U. I couldn’t find an option selection for the Shari PiHat VHF or UHF version. I couldn’t find the configuration for the receive and transmit frequencies.

Either I am missing something, or the ASL3 is incompatible with the Kits4Hams Shari PiHat-4U.

Dave KY0L

There are a number of people already running on various SHARI nodes without issue. I believe the SHARI’s all use the SA818 chip, correct? If so, you don’t need to reprogram it every time. It’ll retain your program from the last time. You can use SimpleUSB with it. If you need/want to reprogram the chip, use the sa818-menu tool to do so. More information on programming the radio chip is available at SA818 RF Modules - AllStarLink Manual.

I cannot determine the Shari PiHat-4U frequency. There is a script called SA818-prog that is run with HamVOIP to set the transmit and receive frequency and to set the encode and decode PL tone. I couldn’t find the SA818-prog script on the ASL version 3 memory module. I assume that the radio part of the Kits4Hams PiHat-4U requires the software configuration, which is part of the image of the HamVOIP software on the memory module. As far as I can determine, the SA818-prog configuration script isn’t part of the ASL version 3 software.

I did the configuration steps multiple times with the HamVOIP software, reverting back to the base image to reconfigure the Shari PiHat-4U. As far as I can determine, the transmit and receive frequency is stored on the memory module. The default frequency is 446.100 when using the base image in the memory module. I change the frequency to 433.800. When I revert to the HamVOIP base image again, the frequency is 446.100, until I run SA818-prog to change it back to 433.800. Then it writes that data to the memory module. So, I suspect there is something that might make the ASL version 3 software incompatiable with the Kits4Hams Shari PiHat-4U.

I would like to know if anyone using the Kits4Hams Shari Pi AllStarLink devices have been able to get the ASL version 3 software to function.

Dave KY0L

ASL3 provides the sa818 standard configuration tool as well as the user-friendly sa818-menu to help people use it more easily.

It sounds like on your legacy install there’s some script that’s somehow changing the programming on boot. Are you trying to set the frequency to 433.800 MHz? Have you tried sa818-menu?

This is correct. The other bit of information you need to be aware of is that there is no way to retrieve the stored values from the RF module. Both SA818-prog and sa818-menu will “show” you the settings that those commands last stored.

p.s. if, by chance, you have both SA818-prog and sa818-menu on your ASL3 system you should know that neither command knows about the settings previously stored b the other.

I tried the sa818-menu command and I was able to set the band, frequency, and PL tone for the Shari PiHat-4U. Before I configured the Shari PiHat-4U, it was configured properly using Rapid-Z2W-2-3-4_V1.7-01_ Allstar HamVOIP Raspberry Pi image, using the sa818-prog script.

With ASL3, it defaulted to VHF, a receive and transmit frequency of 000.0000 and no PL tone. With the sa818-menu, I set it for UHF, 443.800, and PL 100.0. I heard the cw ID on 443.800. I tried to connect to the 55553 parrot with *355553, and nothing happened. No connection occurred.

There’s an error in the log: Failed to start asl3-updat-node-nodelist-service-update ASL3 on disk node list db.

I don’t know what that error means.

Dave KY0L

Hello KY0L,

Your nodes are not registered and that would cause the update service to not run. Are you new to NNX? If so take a look at NNX - AllStarLink Wiki

Not sure if this would help. Assume you had your SA818 configured to the freq you want.

Mine is PiHAT-UHF, when I installed ASL 3 I did not have to mess with SA818 at all.

Menu 8: Interface Tune CLI

Then the menu J) Change CTCSS From (currently ‘usbinvert’) I had to changed mine to 1 “no”.

Check that setting and see.

73, Kit

I believe you’re confusing the default sa818-menu screen as somehow reading/storing the configuration previously set in the SA818 module. There is no technical way to read the configuration back out of an SA818 modules and sa818-menu doesn’t try to save/remember it for you. What you are describing is the default variables that everyone sees with sa818-menu. Whatever you last configured your SA818 chip to be is what it will be until you change the programming again. It is not necessary to program the SA818 on every restart, etc.

This is the default screen everyone sees:

I took this screen cap of one of my nodes that has two SA818 modules in duplex (a HotSpot Radios duplex board - USB Duplex Repeater). One chip is programmed for 444.6175 and the other is 449.6175. But this default screen will always appear.