I would like to configure one of my 4 nodes to be able to us the radio to get into one of the local repeaters.
This configuration is like running a dual band radio in crossband mode.
I don’t want my radio to transmit a curtesy tone and ID.
also would like to configure my node with a short tail.
Based on the call sign in your sample configuration, I’m assuming you are in the United States. In that case it would not be legal to disable the identification because every transmitter is required to identify every 10 minutes not every person.
that means all the dual band radios in the USA that are set up crossband repeat mode without ID are illegal . someone setting up a dual band radio in the house so they can reach a local repeater usually doesn’t ID. the user ID’s every 10 minutes.
I had to change my 2 meter node frequency because someone had a dual band radio in crossband repeat mode.
what was the outcome of the Issue #381? I noticed it was back in 2024 ? as we have the same issues we cant allow the ALS to do ID’s , our repeater controllers controls all of the ID’s here in Canada for 8 repeater sites , you can imagine having nodes doing ID it would constantly be talking every 10 minutes also here in Canada it’s every 30 minutes not 10, on the commercial is every 15 minutes .
Last summer, while trying to make some asl-menu changes, we found that clearing the “idrecording” value resulted in a node not working (at all). Some early investigation found that the main thread for the node would not even be started without “a” value. So, I filed the GitHub issue to look at what changes would be needed to remove the dependency … and it’s still on the TODO list.