ASL3 How to add additional wifi crudentials

Hi All, I have ASL3 working great on a RPi zero 2W including Allmon.
I am using the Node with DVSM after adding PW etc to ext.conf.
I cannot seem to get two additional wifi networks to work. I have added the crudentials to /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf and removed the leading # from each line however, I cannot connect to either of the two new networks. The original network that was loaded into the image via the RPi imager works fine. That is the network I used to set up the Node. Is there something else I am missing?
Best 73 Mike Australia.

If you haven’t already, trying adding
to the end of each network stanza.
By default, priority of all networks is 0.
Higher numbers will connect first.
For example, if you have four networks defined with priorities of 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively, it will first try connecting to 4, then 3, 2, then finally 1.
So, on my nodes, I give the mobile hotspot the highest priority, then my home network(s) such that if my mobile hotspot is active while I’m at home, it will still grab it first rather than connecting to the home network.

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Hi Patrick, I havn’t tried priority=x 1,2,3 etc however, I will.

I made sure the working network was off before booting and hoping one of the 2 new networks would connect.

Priority is always a good idea. Sometimes not helpful in all circumstances.
Just depends on how portable it is I guess.
But know that it takes some time to go through the list in attempts.
I believe the last connected will always be the first attempted and then the priority list on failure.
The more entries, the more time depending on how far down the list.
Just advise to be patient if you have a long list and don’t put any entries in that you don’t really need…

I should also note wifi is a function of the OS, not ASL 1/2 and there is plenty of info on the web
to help you customize to your needs.

Thanks to those who have suggested fixes.

I have entered priority=1, 2 etc. to the two additional network’s added to the wpa_supplicant.conf file.

When editing etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf, I note that the original wifi crudentials as entered using the RPi wifi imager are NOT in that file? This is the network that actually connects, so where are the original crudentials which are working located?
On previous RPi OS, buster, bullseye etc all crudentials are in the wpa_conf file. Have any users of ASL3 added additional wifi networks and can possibly assist. I am using a RPi zero 2W board. This may be the issue?
Best 73 Mike

The WiFi configuration for the Pi Appliance is kept in NetworkManager, not /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf. See Network Configuration - AllStarLink Manual.

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Many thanks Jason?
I totally missed that as usually working with Pi star and DVS servers which use older RPi OS where the wifi crudentials are in the wpa supplicant.
Is this new to Debian 12 / RPi or just the way ASL3 developers have set things up?
The wpa supplicant txt file in ASL3 talks about how to add wifi networks so thought I was on the right track.
Anyways, all sorted now. Networks added and working.
Many thanks.
Best 73 Mike

NetworkManager is a (sometimes frustratingly complex) framework to manage network “connections” in Linux for other programs. It’s one of the “many ways to do the same thing” Linux is known for. We chose NetworkManager because it exposes MOST of the information to the Cockpit web interface. Sadly there is a deficiency in WiFi support that I’m hoping to address in a near-future release.

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