I’m running several RPi ASL3 installs and 2 cloud hubs. I want to add a couple custom user functions and searched the manual and community but can’t seem to find the syntax to add what I need. One is a simple dtmf cmd to reboot the RPi. I see several available user functions under the functions stanza. I was thinking of adding for example *B99 to reboot the node. I found the reboot cmd at /usr/sbin/reboot but can’t figure out the proper syntax to implement it. Any help or suggestions are appreciated.
I just went thru the reboot thing a month back. It doesn’t work. In V3 asterisk runs as user asterisk but must be root to execute a reboot. There was something in the how to that showed a way to accomplish it but that didn’t work. I have a convoluted method to do it now suggested by another user here that works.
This is incorrect. In versions asl3-3.4.0 and beyond, the asterisk user is able to execute /usr/sbin/reboot without any workarounds necessary. As posted above, please read Permissions - AllStarLink Manual.