ASL3 - cop,1 system warm boot - not working

I am running ASL3 on a Dell WYSE 3040 and I have several cop functions un-commented. They function as intended except cop,1 system warm boot does not work.


On one of my test nodes I uncommented (removed the leading semi-colon from) this line :

;901 = cop,1

Then, I restarted asterisk with :


Then, to test the function I exec’d :

sudo asterisk -x 'rpt fun 1999 *901'

and “asterisk” was restarted.

What behavior were you expecting?

From a portable with a keypad I send *901. ASL3 does not warm boot. All other cop commands I have uncommented work as intended.


As above, I uncommented the /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf line with “;901 = cop,1” to be “901 = cop,1” (removing the semi-colon). I then restarted asterisk so that it would pickup the configuration file change. But, this time, instead of using the CLI to issue the DTMF sequence I used my HT (*901). Again, “asterisk” restarted.

What “warm boot” behavior were you expecting?