ASL reset of i.p. address

Good morning,
I accidently unplugged the CAT 5 cable to the internet on the RPi for my Node.
Then I realized the I.P. Address changed when I plugged it back in , and the node wont work.
When I went to go change the IP address its using now in Mobaterm terminal program, I dont remember the Password to change the I.P. address.
So the Node is down to The ALS Network
I could start over and delete the current Node # and start over in HamVoip like it was a new Node but my node is well published. Id rather keep it.
But that won’t fix the problem of me getting into the terminal program to log in…
Can I Plug into the RPi direct with a Monitor and a Keyboard and change it that way direct???
Or how do I reset the password in Mobaterm?
Or should I use Putty or another Terminal Program?
Anybody got a suggestion?

Yes, you can login locally with a monitor/keyboard, but you still need your password to get access. Without the local login password for the node, you’re going to need to set it up from scratch again.

If you do start over, you will re-use the same node # issued by AllStarLink, so there isn’t anything lost with others being able to reconnect to you. You can login to your account and lookup the password for your node to put into the new config. Note, this is not the password you need to login to your Pi, this is your node registration password only.

If you’re going to start over, consider installing ASL3. ASL3 advertises its hostname which allows you to point your browser at the hostname you give it (ie mypi5.local) and login even if you don’t know the IP address.

There is a terminal in the browser so you don’t need to use PuTTY if you’d rather not.

ASL3 advertises its SSH service so you can SSH to the hostname of your node with PuTTY or client of your choice.

I should mention the advertisement service is Bonjour and you must be on the same LAN segment as your node to see the services.

Seems to me that rebooting the node server will reregister it causing the system to update to your new IP address. Just takes a bit of time to repopulate; but likely quicker than a rebuild.


Depending on your router, one way should be to monitor your router and look out for MAC address of ur Pi. Then paste that into static IP or IP Lease or any other term that is used for permanent lease. You can assign the IP that was in use in the past.