Asl-menu: Restore node from backup at does not work

From asl-menu: Restoring a node from a backup I make at has
never EVER worked for me.
I’m able to backup a node with no errors.
When I go to restore enter node number and password, it shows the backup file but when you
Try to restore-
Always get "There was an error in the file transfer (exit code 1).
I’ve tried this at different times with different nodes and always the same problem.
I am 100% certain I am using the correct node number and password.
Backups always take.
Restores have never worked for me.
I have always have had to rebuild the node from scratch or restore from a backup on a local filesystem which always works fine.
This would be really convenient if it worked.
What could be the problem?
This should just work.
I have also tried updating/simplifying the password.
Which didn’t help.

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Do you have any errors you can share? I’ve personally never encountered a problem with it.

That is the only error I get (on screen).
“There was an error in the file transfer (exit code 1)”
Is that a particular log I should look at?
I took a really quick look around and it’s not obvious to me where this failure might be recorded.

There’s not much rocket science involved with the asl-backup-menu operations. When you select an archive to restore we download it to the /var/asl-backups directory and then restore w/tar. We use wget to get a list of archives from the server and to copy the archive from the server.

Maybe try starting the restore using :

sudo bash -x /usr/bin/asl-backup-menu

If nothing else, you will see what commands are being executed.

Thanks- will try that and see.

Nope, it runs so fast you can’t see anything you see a frame flash at maybe 1/60th of a second…
I’ll literally need to record video and capture that frame to see it.
So I’ll try that next.

When you exit the script the verbose shell output should remain.

Thanks that was helpful.
I can try manually creating the local directory if it does not exist and try again.
This seems to indicate the directory may not exist or permissions are not set correctly.

Yep, directory did not exist…
Kind of an easy fix there.
It works now.
Should have already been there correct?


Yes, the directory should have first been created before downloading the archive. I’ll have a fix in the next release :slight_smile:

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