ASL 2.0.0 Beta 6 to ASL 3.0 Upgrade Question

First and foremost THANK YOU All for the hard work and diligence that went into and continues with ASL 3. GOD SPEED.

My question.

I have a working repeater/node. The particulars - GE Mastr III - C-Media CM108 sound card - using a Wyse Dell 3040 (8gb) running ASL 2.0.0 beta 6 and all is well. USB Radio - the dsp handles squelch and ctcss encode and decode. I have discriminator (vol/sq hi) for receive, LOCAL PTT and HSD (GE’s High Speed Data - direct modulation input used with EDACS, DMR, etc) and GND.

Using the CLI Setup on 2.0.0 for USB radio there was plenty of digital pot range for my sound card config. I honestly cannot remember if I had 20 db boost enabled or not - but whichever, there was plenty of range for both send and receive. Also this is a test bed repeater - not at a site so I can tinker at will. I am using an HP8921 to look at the output and generate the input signals.

Now for the meat and potatoes - I installed Deb 12 latest and greatest on the Wyse Dell 3040 - Net Install - web server and ssh - had to add net-tools and followed the add repo / install recommendations - really nice setup.

I no longer have sufficient range in the Transmit direction - the #6 TX Voice is at 999 to get just at +/- 3 kHz transmitter deviation and the CTCSS is at 200 for +/- 750 ctcss (88.5)… and works just great !!! My question / concern - having the TX level set at max and the TX boost seems to make no difference -

This is not a gripe or complaint - just an observation and wondering if I may be missing something in my setup. Again Great Work and thanks again,

de nu5d Steve

This is not the first report I have seen that mentioned the range.

I think what would help us most would be to capture some details about your configuration. You could drop the information here but even better would be to create a new GitHub issue @ GitHub - AllStarLink/app_rpt: Refactoring and upgrade of AllStarLink's app_rpt, etc..

Please include a copy of the “rpt.conf” and “simpleusb.conf” files from your ASL3 system. If possible, can you also add a copy of the “rpt.conf”, “simpleusb.conf”, and “simpleusb_tune_####.conf” files from your ASL2 system.

I will be glad to - no simple usb - usb radio.

I had to copy and paste the file contents - this was my first github issue post - I hope I did not make a mess posting. steve nu5d

Also the version 2.0.0 beta 6 files are not easy display - I would have to re-load the old image on the Wyse Dell 3040 - would take some time if needed - let me know if the old files are really needed. steve

Thank you for the GitHub issue.

I guess you didn’t squirrel away a backup copy of the .conf files :slight_smile: For now, no worries. We will reach out if they are needed.

I hate to admit this but I MESSED UP. This morning - I set up another Wyse Dell 3040 - ASL 2.0.0 Beta 6… And I got the SAME RESULTS - I had to set TX to 990 to acheive almost 3 kHz Transmitter Deviation. I sincerely apologize for the false alarm. Mea Culpa, Steve NU5D

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