Greetings, all:
As I have migrated most of my multi-connection-holding nodes to ASL3, it occurs to me that it has never been satisfactorily proven how many connections a single node, without any load balancing, can handle before it completely falls over when hardware isn’t the bottleneck.
I have a slightly over-the-top system for testing ASL3. It is a dedicated machine with a sixth generation Zeon E3 processor and 64GB of RAM on a corporate fiber connection. This is an entry-level server/workstation-class processor, but it’s more than enough to throw anything ASL could possibly do, I’m sure.
So, to sate my personal curiosity, as well as for the general education of anyone who is interested in deploying large ASL3 nodes at scale, I’m running a stress-test net this Saturday, September 14, at 3:00 PM EDT, 12:00 PM PDT, 19:00 Z. The aim is to have as many nodes as possible connect to this system, node 508429, and monitor performance and resources throughout to see what happens when high connection counts are reached on a single server.
Importantly for this particular test, this node is not part of any larger network. It is just a solitary Asterisk server not inter-connected to any other hubs. The goal is to get as many individual nodes connected as possible.
So, if you’ve got multiple nodes to spare, bring them all, and connect directly, I.E. don’t chain multiple nodes together, and then connect one of them to 508429.
Using HamVoIP with internal load balancing on a Raspberry Pi 4 with no USB sound fobs connected, and no web stuff running in the background, it has been proven that 141 connections can be achieved before the Pi is choked, and just can’t handle anymore. However, audio is very jittery when it gets to that point, at least in my testing.
This is neither HamVoIP nor 32-bit aarch. It’s a completely different environment, for better or worse. Hopefully better. The custom editions to app_rpt for load balancing don’t exist. Do they need to? That’s what I want to find out.
I’ve seen very high adjacent node connection counts exceeding 300 on large nets, such as the Absolute Tech Net, but this involves multiple hubs, each holding a large number of connections, which is not what I’m aiming for here.
Yes, I actually want to get enough connections on this system that it struggles, or maybe even crashes, to see where the threshold is, which is normally a thing you don’t want.
On top of testing the performance of an ASL3 node, it may end up being the place where you meet interesting people you’ve never heard before. Who knows?
Again, that’s Saturday, September 14, at 3:00 PM EDT, 12:00 PM PDT, 19:00 Z, node 508429, to stress-test an ASL3 server running on decent hardware on plenty of bandwidth.
I am not on Facebook, so feel free to post this to any Allstar-related groups you are on to get the word out.
Thanks and 73
Patrick, N2DYI