My Allscan stuck on Favourites page i lost my node list page i be very greateful for any help.
Many thanks.
Not super familiar with Allscan myself, but maybe @NR9V can help.
As stated on the AllScan github page, for AllScan support please email david at allscan.info. Since you’ve already made a post here though it might be helpful if you would post a screenshot showing the issue you’re seeing and also paste here all messages shown in the messages window under the Favorites table.
Looks like a normal screenshot, with no errors shown. You’ll have to be more specific about what is not working as you expect.
Also, you are running v0.75, which is pretty old. I would suggest updating to the latest version. GitHub - davidgsd/AllScan: AllStar Favorites Management & Scanning Web App
I cant get back on the main page of the Allstar node list.
All sorted now many thanks for helping.