I’d like to hear from people who are using Allmon3. Are you liking it? Any issues? I know people are using it based on various one-on-one discussions I’ve had but haven’t seen much overall discussion.
I’d like to hear from people who are using Allmon3. Are you liking it? Any issues? I know people are using it based on various one-on-one discussions I’ve had but haven’t seen much overall discussion.
I like it…
I would like to learn more about adapting the visual to customize the Nodes List for Example or Changing the Background Image…
It’s a real quality Product and I use it on a regular basis
The ability to utilize the user-restrictions is a God Send and the ability to restrict users to administer specific nodes that groups may have is one of the best features that I like… The Site is very clear even on a Phone and is easily viewable.
I’m excited what future features that can be achieved as I learn more about how the visual setup is made and what I can adapt to add or modify to customize to individual needs…
It’s not well-documented (and doc contributions are always welcome) but you can put an /etc/allmon3/custom.css
that will be read by the webserver and allow you to customize colors. Copy the file from /usr/share/doc/almon3/custom.css
to /etc/allmon3/custom.css
to get started.
At the present time, the only graphic supported is customizing the ASL logo in the upper-left corner as described in web.ini
. You could probably add a background using custom.css
but that wouldn’t be supported and couldn’t be guaranteed to work across releases.
I like it. It works well.
If there are features that could be added to the road map, one thing that would be interesting to see would be a log of when the nodes are being used (that survives between restarts, unlike how the current statistics works). It would be interesting to see metrics, usage statistics and visual reports on when people are actually using our nodes. A talk time per time of day graph perhaps, averaged by month. Just a thought.
Otherwise, its core functionality of controlling our nodes works awesome.
Thanks to all the developers for the work they do.
If there are features that could be added to the road map, one thing that would be interesting to see would be a log of when the nodes are being used (that survives between restarts, unlike how the current statistics works). It would be interesting to see metrics, usage statistics and visual reports on when people are actually using our nodes. A talk time per time of day graph perhaps, averaged by month. Just a thought.
I’ve been interested in something similar for awhile and might be something for a 2.0 release. Please feel free to open an enhancement request on GitHub. However this might be something to build separately. Right now, by design, Allmon3 is only tracking statistics when someone is viewing the dashboard. Otherwise it’s idle to not waste bandwidth / CPU cycles.
I like it and use it daily, especially since we can customize the colors of TX nodes. One item I’d like to see in a future release is the voter.html be further integrated. I can reach the /allmon3/voter.html#node manually and have had to add a menu item for each voter node to see them. It would be nice that if it is specified that voter=y under a node definition in the config file that the menu automatically adds in the voter page.
Any thoughts to integrate the whitelist / blacklist callsign addition / deletion function into the Allmon3 webpage? Maybe a simple button that opens a popup dialogue window to enter / remove callsigns to make it easier to enter and remove callsigns? Just a thought…
It would be very useful to add a panel with buttons (a couple of dozen buttons), each of which could be assigned a name and a command to be executed on a specific node.
The same as a drop-down menu with commands, but more convenient and capaple of one click operation.
It would also be great to be able to group these buttons and manage the layout of this panel.
It’s not documented, but if you click on a row and then go to the command and choose disconnect, it’ll pre-populate the last node # you clicked on. When you say “whitelist/blacklist” are you talking about adding essentially null entries for nodes to prevent connections?
That’s something that might be in a future release, but the concept was to attempt to unify the command language between app_rpt itself and the webUI. Rather than adding lots of buttons for every possible permutation of command, the templating for “common” commands was the UI paradigm for now.
I did happen to stumble upon the pre-populate feature and found it to be a nice feature.
Yes, would be nice to have the ability to add/remove node numbers from the whitelist/blacklist instead of having to go into command line and using the asl-menu.
It’s a modification of the Asterisk dialplan.
I meant a different approach. For any button, the same command can be assigned but for different nodes, or different commands for one node. There is no need to provide buttons for all possible commands for all nodes, only those that are required to control a specific node in one-click mode.
That would require implementing some sort of macro language inside of Allmon3. I’ll keep that in mind for a future objective.
It is possible to use macros available in app_rpt, there is no need to have additional ones in webui, just buttons for each of which in the configuration file can be assigned a name, a command from among those available through the AMI, and the node number on which it needs to be executed.
There is no need for the Allmon3 author to add buttons. You may add AllStar commands to Allmon3 yourself with a few simple steps. New commands are added to the gear icon of your node.
Here three new system commands have been added at the top of the menu; a status function and two macros.
Here’s how to set it up:
Edit web.ini with nano or other editor: sudo nano /etc/allmon3/web.ini
. Add your system commands under the [syscmds]
section in the order you’d like them to show on the menu. The at sign @
is replaced with your node number when the command runs.
Save the file and restart Allmon3: sudo systemctl restart allmon3.service
Log back into Allmon3 and your new functions will show on the gear icon of your node.
If you’re talking about the various configurable commands in app_rpt, then as Tim pointed out you can customize all of that in /etc/allmon3/web.ini
to build what you want. However that will still only execute one command overall.
To me, you appear to be asking for the ability to create ad hoc sequences of commands with variables and have those attached to a particular button inside of Allmon3. That would definitely require some sort of lightweight macro language to define the commands flows, associations, and variables. If that isn’t want you meant, then I’m not sure I understand the ask.
I have installed it and everything comes up perfect. Only issue is when I log in it says “log in successful” but when I try to execute a system command it says “must logon first”. I am running this on Debian 10. Allmon v3 1.2.0.
I meant a web panel on which it would be possible to place buttons, each of which would allow the control operator to execute one command on a specific node with one click.
For example, reset all connections, or disable incoming connections, or disable the repeater, or establish a connection with a specific node.
Using a panel with buttons greatly simplifies node management for an operator who controls a dozen nodes, compared to using drop-down menus.