Allmon2 passwd on ASL-Beta not working

New install of asl-beta from the download page of

Now that all is installed, and passwords set in allmon2 along with htpasswd I still
get “Login failed” when trying to access allmon2 (and supermon also) through
the web portal.

Placed passwords within the allmon.ini.php as required and did the “htpasswd -cB ./htpasswd admin”
at the command line, and verified that manager.conf password matches up… still a no go.

Suggestions/Hints on what I might have missed or where to start looking, please.

Thank you,
W R Howell

If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen…

the password in the allmon must match what you have set in the manager.conf file located in the /etc/asterisk directory.

this is on SupermonASL: setup the Supermon .htpasswd file in the /var/www/html/supermon/ direcctory.

in Hamvoip it is located in the /srv/http/supermon directory.

your login password to supermon once created do a ctrl F5 on your broswer window for supermon to refresh the data.

these 2 passwords are not the same unless you make them that way.

I set those two from the final install, have changed them twice just to make sure they were entered correctly and still no go. I’ll just reinstall the whole works and go from there and see what happens.

Thank you for your response.

William, KI5PHN

Is the name of the passwdfile really ./htpasswd or did you just misspell .htpasswd ?

It’s a good habit to use an absolute pathname.

No, I guess when I was typing it here I some how added a / without seeing it before I hit the submit button. The correct entry is "htpasswd -cB .htpasswd admin”, that which I actually used and still no go…

Thanks for the attention to detail…


… which of course assumes the current directory is where you want .htpasswd to exist. That’s why the absolute pathname is advised.

Here’s a suggestion to assist:
find /var/www -name .htpasswd