Allmon 3 adding nodes to ini file


recently installed ASL3 to cloud server. All is working great but allmon3 is having an issue I can’t figure out. it works fine with the node on the server no problem, but when I add another node outside of the server (anoher IP) I get the SERVERE warning and it’s not talking to the server as soon as I comment out the added node and stanza it works fine. been through all the docs, searched the forums here etc can’t find this incident. Any have the same problem? I did do the restarts for allmon3 each time as well. thanks

Is /etc/asterisk/manager.conf on the external server(s) properly configured to allow non-local AMI connections? Is port TCP/5038 open from the Allmon3 server to those hosts?

HI Thank you. Yes they are open, I am using them on another server with almon2 no issue.

What’s the output of journalctl -xeu allmon3.service say after about 10 seconds after you restart the allmon3 service?

it was showing authentication errors. yesterday afternoon after looking at it for several days it finally hit me where the problem was. I simply did the lazy way of copy paste from the other allmon.ini file and then manually tweaking the entries. Only yesterday did I notice usr and user are different and that was the issue. Sigh getting old.

thank you all so much for the help

Hah, it happens. Glad it’s working.

now that I have it working I am seing this

both are active nodes the first one on the top will work sometimes showing like the node line below it but for the most part looks like this and will not show any connections and even uptime is not showing. So, I have gone thru the online docs and videos to see if I missed something.

also, the doc for allmon3 talks about the menu.ini if setup in api/ subdirectory of allmon3, can’t quite figure that out.

thank you

That’s definitely a configuration problem. Please post the output of journalctl -xeu allmon3.service after restarting allmon3.

ok here it is

sometimes after restarting allmon it goes back to normal for while like now


recently installed ASL3 to cloud server. All is working great but allmon3 is having an issue I can’t figure out. it works fine with the node on the server no problem, but when I add another node outside of the server (anoher IP) I get the SERVERE warning and it’s not talking to the server as soon as I comment out the added node and stanza it works fine. been through all the docs, searched the forums here etc can’t find this incident. Any have the same problem? I did do the restarts for allmon3 each time as well. thanks

hi, Ok so I figured out what the issue was. I plugged my iax sip configuration which works but when I dail in it locks up the allmon3 and stops it. Looking at the online advance configuration followed setup to add pjsip but doesn’t seem to work back to the hunt.