Hi guys it’s Joe KA6JOE,
I am not able to access Supermon 7.4 using the WinSCP and I wanted to copy a file from my local pc to a local server /var/www/html/supermon/. I just want to change the Supermon background image to something else not so boring like the original background.jpg.
I am not familiar with the Linux SCP command line. Any help is greatly appreciated.
You need root access and SUDO to access copying to the var/www/html/supermon directory. Supermon itself it ran from a browser.
when you bring up winscp for your node. click on edit then click Advanced under Enviroment you will see SFTP
on the line for the Server place the following:
sudo su -c /usr/lib/sftp-server
click ok then save it and then try copying it over. remember you have to unlock ssh for root access. make sure to resecure when done.
I followed your advise and procedure and finally I got it working. You are a genius. This is really one of the reason why I always turn to this ASL forum because I always get the right answers. Brad, I do really appreciate your help. More power to you and regards to your lovely wife!