3.x Autopatch Issues

In a previous post, I asked if anyone was actually using autopatch with ASL 3.x. Since no one replied, I have to assume that none of you have it working.

Issue #1 – Calls dialed out over IAX to my pbx were failing because bridge technology is not available. Solution was to load simple_bridge.so.

Issue #2 – Calls answers on the pbx extension pass no audio.

Issue #3 – Once answered, my simplex node remains in transmit state. No audio is passed from the radio to the pbx extension. Hanging up the pbx extension does not take the radio out of transmit mode. Asterisk must be stopped and then the radio goes back to receive mode.


Dan K2IE

This is most likely related to app_rpt: Deadlock when starting autopatch call · Issue #257 · AllStarLink/app_rpt · GitHub

You might consider adding your information to this issue.


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Added. Thanks for the reference.